Short Break Champions July 2013. Champions Why Selection The Role Programme of activities Lessons learned Going Forward.


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Presentation transcript:

Short Break Champions July 2013

Champions Why Selection The Role Programme of activities Lessons learned Going Forward

Why Champions Delivery Partners role is to enable, kick start, impart information and ensure sustainability. Peer support has always been valued by different organizations. Impact built on the successful TDC Champion model. The sector leading it self therefore enables a shared understanding ensures dissemination of good practice is cost effective works to a model that is sustainable.

Champions – selection - role Selected because of – Previous good track record with short breaks Have something specific to offer Agreed to undertake extra work ( 5 from TDC, 4 Impact only) Role – Work with Impact as needed / agreed Support sector led development Attend Champion smeetings

Activities – what they have done Presenting at conferences Chairing and presenting at cluster groups Co produced products – Self evaluation tool,, Data tool, Personalization materials, Charging paper, Working with the VCS, Health reform guidance Supporting other LAs – Telephone, , sharing information Writing case studies for web site

Influencing short breaks

Influencing further.

Good Practice of Statements Local Offer Tailored packages Personalisation Good data maintained Information shared Good commissioning Leading to Responsiveness Partnership working Shared ownership and Accountability

Changing History

What Participation Means Now Listened to by the LA Consulted on issues Involved in interview panels Involved in decisions about funding, services, tendering Involved in working groups An active forum, good attendance Forum represents all parents

Lessons Learned All champions found the meetings useful Closer understanding of national policies and changes Different approaches from other LAs to take back and try A great deal of good practice to take back Increased knowledge and understanding that has assisted me in my job How much more work there is still to do across all areas Sharing information is invaluable and prevents inventing the wheel. How like minded individuals can inspire each other even in difficult times

Lessons learned continued. Being a sector champion has raised the profile of short breaks in my LA (including elected members) and in turn secured ongoing funding. Regional cluster groups could include short break champions and SEND champions. Happy to continue as I value the benefits I have gained. Willing to establish relationships with short break champions and SEND champions Being able to contribute at an early stage and influence is so beneficial Seeing the national picture is so useful Would like something on the international context.

Embedded short breaks into the SEND agenda Champions told us the following- They are linking with strategic leads (health, social care and education) As an integrated service, champion has responsibility for SEN services and will be leading the agenda. Short break champion is project coordinator for SEND reform so will ensure short break are championed and built into new SEND model Short break statement is the starting point for the local offer As senior strategic manager able to be involved in redesign and development of services Maintain profile of short breaks and influence where possible.

Embedding short breaks continued Sharing our experience and journey By meeting at events and sharing information Feeding back to SEND staff our service users needs, wants and wishes Try to influence ways of working LA still working in silos. No capacity to get involved. Unsure of how to help at present no idea of what they have been doing.

Going forward All (8) of those who responded to questions would like to continue but suggested the following;- The support of Impact as if left to LA may not be as successful Someone to co ordinate, administer group. Financial support cost of travel especially. Six monthly meetings would be more manageable Report of champion work for my LA. Work closely with pathfinder champions on SEND/keep profile of short breaks high and included in local offer.

Going forward continued Useful to bring together SEND champions and short break champions to develop a pathway across SEND areas of work. Happy to facilitate champion meetings with admin support.

The future The future is not some place we are going to, but one we are creating. The paths are not to be found, but made, and the activity of making them, changes both the maker and the destination. (John Schaar)