Communications-Electronics Security Group
Excellence in Infosec
John Doody Head of Infosec Customer Services Group David Hodges Technical Manager, UK IT Security, Evaluation & Certification Scheme
National Technical Infosec Authority
Presentation to The First International Common Criteria Conference, Baltimore 23 May 2000
UK Evaluation and Certification Services
Agenda Introduction The UK Evaluation and Certification Services Summary
The increasing need for information security Increasing Threats from viruses, hackers, fraud, espionage Increasing Exposure greater dependence on IT, increasing connectivity Increasing Expectations from customers, partners, auditors, regulators
Information Security Breaches Survey 2000 (sponsored by DTI) UK e-commerce transactions in 1999 were valued at c. £2.8bn This sum is projected to grow ten-fold over the next 3 years 1 in 3 business in the UK currently buys or sells over the Internet - or is intending to in the near future
The cost of a single serious security breach can be in excess of £100,000 Over 60% of organisations sampled, had suffered a security breach in the last 2 years 1 in 5 organisations still does not take any form of security into account before buying and selling over the Internet Waiting for the electronic Nemesis?
Worse to follow? “By 2003, losses due to Internet security vulnerabilities will exceed those incurred by non-Internet credit card fraud” GartnerGroup - May 1999
The longer term? “The 21st Century will be dominated by information wars and increased economic and financial espionage” Alvin Toffler
Growing proliferation of hacking tools and know-how High Low Source: US General Accounting Office, May 1996 password guessing password cracking exploiting known vulnerabilities backdoors sniffers stealth diagnostics packet spoofing Sophistication of Tools Knowledge Required
The world of information warfare EspionageSabotage Deception Eavesdropping Network sniffing Agent recruitment Computer hacking Password cracking Open source intelligence “Denial-of-service” attacks Computer viruses, worms, logic bombs Electronic weapons Information blockades Trojan horse programs Perception management Data modification Network or address spoofing Hoax s Social engineering
How do we ensure that these risks are minimised? UK ITSec Common Criteria Mutual Recognition
Certification Experience A decade of Evaluation & Certification Founding sponsor of Common Criteria Over 230 Product & System Evaluations –ITSEC, TCSEC & Common Criteria Five commercial ITSEFs (CLEFs)
Certification Experience Wide range of products –Operating systems & databases –Firewalls, Smartcards & Public Key Infrastructures Wide range of customers –70% Multinational –Government and Commerce Wide range of assurance –Smartcard certified to ITSEC E6 –Firewalls & Operating System to E3/EAL4
The Result of that Experience Providing the assurance required –understanding vulnerabilities –procedures & documentation –feedback & review Meeting the customer’s requirements for –shorter timescales –reduced risk –increased efficiency
Where the Future Lies Tailored evaluations –assurance & functionality components –Mutual Recognition an Option Re-use –certificate maintenance –integrating certified products
The Certification Body Supports both ITSEC & Common Criteria Promoting migration to Common Criteria Accredited to EN45011 Operates cost recovery
The Developer’s Perspective Preparation –what do you need? –the ITSEF & the Certification Body Evaluation –deliverables –problems reports Certification –the certification report –certificate maintenance
Protecting the Infrastructure National Infrastructure Security Co-ordination Centre National Infrastructure Security Co-ordination Centre
Cabinet Office Security Service MOD Home Office Met Police ACPO
NISCC Role Initial poc on electronic attack issues Develop effective working relations with and between CNI organisations Assess vulnerabilities, promote protection Monitor threat, provide assessments Ensure suitable handling of incidents
Key Principles Partnership Trust Confidentiality
Availability Integrity The world of information security Encryption Platform security Personnel security Monitoring & intrusion detection Password management Physical security Infrastructure security management Business continuity management Fallback planning Virus prevention & detection Certificate registration & management Penetration testing Authentication & access control Incident response & crisis management Risk management Firewall & connectivity management Security architecture Confidentiality
Summary Real threats Real risks Need for evaluated products and systems UK has excellent track record in evaluation and certification services
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Communications-Electronics Security Group