HCI Wikispaces
Web-based service which enables online collaboration of web pages in which each user can edit and save changes to web page content using a web browser. Serves as a powerful tool for facilitating mass collaborative authoring.
Current Situation Individual groups or teachers having already started using wikis for their teaching and learning Owners of these wikis will need to add in their own members and log in different wikis in order to access them.
Why We Should Consider Wiki Private Label? The school will have its own registered private domain and all wikis associated with HCI will be housed within. Users of the private label will only need to do a single sign- in and they will be able to access all their wikis. Wikispace private label has enhanced features such as unlimited storage, unlimited wikis and security & privacy.
HCI Wikispaces Campus Staff College Academic Departments (Protected) Subject Levels (private) Committees Subject Groups Non-academic Department (Protected) Committees CCA Groups Civics Groups Events High SchoolCommon Finance HR I-comm Students
Teachers –Windows xp login name –Password: NRIC (in upper case) Students –Login name for C1 students: y06 Login name for C2 students: y05 –Password: NRIC (in upper case)
wiki.hci.edu.sg –Public access but protected. (only members are allowed to edit it) –Contains general information about the use of HCI wikispaces.
campus.wiki.hci.edu.sg –Private – All students and staff are members. –Contains information that is ONLY viewable by the whole school.
staff.wiki.hci.edu.sg –Private –All staff are members –Contains information that is ONLY viewable by staff
Department / Subject –Open to public viewing, editable only by subject coordinators, relevant PCs & DPST. Subject levels –Only students taking the subject and at the level can view and edit certain pages –Accessible to teachers of that subject
Wikis will be optional for the following: –Civics or Subject groups –CCAs –Committees –Events –Individual teachers oAct as a personal sharing platform –Individual students oAct as a personal sharing platform oPermission must be obtained from teachers.
Wikis may be appropriate for use as a tool IF Collaboration is needed to achieve an outcome such as a committee working together or students / staff working on a project together, or when ideas are needed from a variety of people around an issue. The content is of an educational nature
However, Confidential materials such as SPA & tests, are not to be placed in wikis. Intellectual property & privacy of users must not be compromised. For more information, please refer to
A)Public wikispace website JCscience.wiki.hci.edu.sg - public website including physics, chem and bio JCphysics.wiki.hci.edu.sg - public website for physics B)Subject wikispaces by batch.wiki.hci.edu.sg 09JCphysics.wiki.hci.edu.sg (C1 in ’09, C2 in ’10) 10JCphysics.wiki.hci.edu.sg (C1 in ’10, C2 in ’11) C) Committees or special department wikispaces.wiki.hci.edu.sg JCstudies.wiki.hci.edu.sg HumanResource.wiki.edu.sg D)CT class wikispaces (to be created by CT).wiki.hci.edu.sg 10S60.wiki.hci.edu.sg
E)Subject class wikispaces (to be created by teacher).wiki.hci.edu.sg 10S60physics.wiki.hci.edu.sg F)CCA class wikispaces (to be created by CCA group).wiki.hci.edu.sg ChineseDance.wiki.hci.edu.sg G)Event Organising Committees wikispaces (to be created by committees chairperson) Either.wiki.hci.edu.sg or.wiki.hci.edu.sg APD2011.wiki.hci.edu.sg
XP loginNRIC Resetting password An from wikispaces has been sent to your hci account, requesting for your confirmation of the address. This step is necessary to allow you to receive invitation to join any wikis created by colleagues or even students.
Enter the name of the wiki that you are looking for here and it’ll be added to your list.
Highlight the s of the students that you are inviting
Go to your own wiki > select manage wiki
Copy and paste the relevant s in the space provided. The next time the student logs into their account or checks their they will be able to view and accept the invitation. Once the invitation is accepted they will become a member of your wiki. Please note that you can only send 100 invitations every 24 hours. Students will be able to find your wiki under the tab “My Wikis”.
Students would need to seek permission from the relevant teacher-in-charge before creating any new wikis. All wikis created must be for official purposes. Please ensure that you know the purpose of your students’ requests before approving them create new wikis. For e.g. - SL project (permission from teacher mentor) - PW project (permission from PW ST) - e-portfolio (permission from CT)
If you have any enquires, please direct to any of the following people: – Huifen; – Meng Leng.