1 MI-Access Accommodations Conference Presentations
The MI-Access assessments were developed using universal design principles, which are based on the premise that every child deserves to participate in assessment, and that assessment results should not be affected by disability, gender, ethnicity, or English language ability. 10/20/ Assessment Accommodations
Despite every effort to ensure that the MI-Access assessments are accessible, it is understood that some students may still need accommodations in order to participate fully and meaningfully in this assessment. 10/20/ Assessment Accommodations
4 Assessment Accommodation Summary Table Revised Accommodations Summary Table (August 2011) –Displays accommodations for MEAP, MEAP- Access, MI-Access, ELPA, and NAEP –Revised table located at
5 Accommodation Types: Standard (S) Does not change the construct of what’s being measured Assessment Accommodation Summary Table
6 Accommodation Types: Universal − Any student can utilize, regardless of eligibility, without changing what is being measured by the assessment Assessment Accommodation Summary Table
7 Accommodation Types: Non-standard (NS) Changes construct of test Does NOT count toward –Valid assessment scores –School accountability Must be communicated to parents and students Assessment Accommodation Summary Table
9 Assessment Accommodations IEP Team Decision Making The IEP Team has two responsibilities by law: –Choose which state assessment –Choose accommodations (if any)
10 Special IEP Team consideration for high school students: –Determine if the student is in grade 11 –Remember, same grade as reported enrolled in MSDS –If student in ungraded program, is the students age 17 on or before 12/01/12? IEP Team Decision Making
11 IEP Team Decision Making—11 th grade (cont’d) Assessment Type of Assessment Based On Michigan Merit ExaminationGeneralGLCEs Functional IndependenceAA-AASExtended GLCEs Supported IndependenceAA-AASExtended GLCEs ParticipationAA-AASExtended GLCEs Grade 11 Assessment Continuum
12 Students in grade 11 take: MME in its entirety, or MI-Access Functional Independence*, or MI-Access Supported Independence*, or MI-Access Participation* *No mixing and matching IEP Team Decision Making—11 th grade (cont’d)
13 Decision Making Worksheet –What content standards? –What does instruction look like? –Level of independence? –Assessment? –Accommodations? IEP Team Decision Making
16 The IEP team may designate ANY accommodation it deems necessary. –Student needs –Routinely used in instruction –Must be documented in IEP –Decision must be made for each content area IEP Team Decision Making
17 Read Sections: “MI-Access Assessment Accommodations” in the manual “Assessment Accommodation Summary Table” on the MI-Access web site
18 Accommodated Formats (FI) Braille Audio CDs Enlarged Print Kits were developed from Form 1 test booklets. Answer documents are included in kits.
19 Accommodated Formats Braille Kit includes –Braille Form-9 test booklet –Assessment Administrator Booklet for Braille (AABB) –Braille ruler, if applicable –Answer document
20 Accommodated Formats Braille version –Print-to-Braille correspondence available at –Student answers must be transferred onto scannable answer document
21 Accommodated Formats Braille version –Braille material can only be ordered by telephone at option 4 –Student name, grade level, UIC, and school required to place Braille orders
22 Accommodated Formats Enlarged Print Kit includes –Enlarged print test booklet Enlarged print is approximately 15-point font size –Regular print Form 1 test booklet –Enlarged print ruler (if applicable) –Answer document
23 Accommodated Formats Audio CD kit includes –CD –Form 1 test booklet –Answer document –Ruler (if applicable)
24 Accommodated Formats Audio CD version –Administered individually, or in small groups when each student has a headset and control over the CD player –CD track listings posted to
25 Common Accommodations Scribe –Make sure it is transcribed exactly how student dictates onto student answer document –Scribe must initial and date answer document –Fill in Scribe bubble on answer document
26 Common Accommodations Word Processing of Expressing Ideas response –Each page must be labeled –Insert word-processed response into student’s answer document –Fill in the bubble on the student answer document –Follow special handling instructions in Test Administrator Manual
27 Assessment Accommodations Resources OSE-EIS New State Model IEP Material Statewide Assessment Selection Guidelines Sample assessment items Assessment selection flowchart Case studies GLCEs, EGLCEs, EBs, EHSCEs Online Learning Program Assessment Plans
28 Assessment Accommodations Resources Web resources – – –
Call , Select Option 4 10/20/ Contact Information