Hellenic Research Foundation1 31 March 2006 The 2006 Call of the Preparatory Action for Security Research Pieter De Smet European Commission DG ENTR-H4
Hellenic Research Foundation2 31 March 2006 Presentation Summary PASR 2005 Results Call overview and statistics Evaluation outcome PASR 2006 Call for Proposals General principles Call specificity Project priorities Supporting Activities priorities Selection criteria
Hellenic Research Foundation3 31 March 2006 Call overview Budget for 2005: 15 M€ –8 Projects –5 Supporting activities 156 Proposals received –119 Projects (+ 1 Ineligible) –36 Supporting Activities Evaluation session 30 May – 3 June 2005 –74 evaluators –from all MS (except CY, LU, LV, MT) + EDA + EU
Hellenic Research Foundation4 31 March 2006 submitted ranked list Participation of stakeholder groups in PASR-2005
Hellenic Research Foundation5 31 March 2006 Participation of SME in PASR-2005 submitted of ranked list
Hellenic Research Foundation6 31 March 2006 Project characteristics (1 to 2 years) Mission-oriented Tangible results, providing basis for the future European security research Multidisciplinary, collaborative projects, multi stakeholders Involving final users In one priority or across several priorities
Hellenic Research Foundation7 31 March 2006 Projects priority missions 1.Protection of networked systems 2.Protection against terrorism (including bio-terrorism and incidents with biological, chemical and other substances) 3.Enhancing crisis management 4.Interoperability and integrated systems 5.Improving situation awareness
Hellenic Research Foundation8 31 March 2006 Supporting Activities priority areas Co-operation and networking and dissemination activities Investigating procedures, management of IPR and legal arrangements for the exchange of classified information Studies in support of security solutions with a particular emphasis on human behaviour, perception of security and privacy Standardisation activities Feasibility of joint use of large-scale research, testing and evaluation infrastructures (no proposal received)
Hellenic Research Foundation9 31 March 2006 General principles PASR-2006 (1) Last year of the PASR. Call opened on 10 February, closure on 10 May Evaluation from 12 to 16 June Procedures, rules, eligibility and selection criteria unchanged. Financing up to 75% of the costs (50% for pre- competitive development activities) Objectives: –Support security policies and contribute to competitiveness of security industries ▬►need to address areas not sufficiently covered by 2004 and 2005 calls –Prepare a fully fledged security research programme ▬►need to test different call scenarios
Hellenic Research Foundation10 31 March 2006 General principles PASR-2006 (2) Projects will have 1 to 2 years duration Mission–oriented Tangible results, providing basis for the future European security research Collaborative projects, multidisciplinary, multi- stakeholders Involving final users In one priority or across several priorities Supporting activities will have 6 months to 3 years duration
Hellenic Research Foundation11 31 March 2006 General principles PASR-2006 (3) Budget of 15 M€ for new activities Call for proposals will be published in January 2006, with closure date in May 2006 ~ 85% foreseen for projects ~ 15% for supporting activities Priority areas remain the same but we propose to focus the call on 12 specific key activities
Hellenic Research Foundation12 31 March 2006 PASR-2006 Call specificity (1) Areas not sufficiently covered by 2004 and 2005 calls Critical infrastructures protection Protection and countermeasures against CBRN and explosives Consequence management in case of incident Humanitarian operations Integration of SMEs Requests from MS Communications in case of crisis Intelligence interoperability Border surveillance
Hellenic Research Foundation13 31 March 2006 PASR 2006 call specificity (2) Advantages –Cover crucial areas –Test another manner to call for proposals before the start of FP7 –Decrease oversubscription –Reduce proposers’ disappointment when not selected only for budgetary reasons –Better success rate Disadvantages –Some proposals from previous calls cannot be resubmitted
Hellenic Research Foundation14 31 March 2006 Projects priorities Networked systems Protection against terrorism Crisis management Interoperability and integrated systems Situation awareness Key activities are defined for each priority
Hellenic Research Foundation15 31 March 2006 Project Priority 1: Networked systems Measures (incl. resulting risk assessments) for enhanced protection and assurance of utility systems and services, or transportation facilities critical to maintain security in an enlarged Europe, in particular for –drinking water supply or oil/natural gas supply, –industrial sites, or –land, water borne and multimodal transport Prevention, protection, response and alert capabilities to improve the dependability and resilience of control systems for (networked) infrastructures PASR-2006 Key activities
Hellenic Research Foundation16 31 March 2006 Project Priority 2: Protection against terrorism Effective integration of various sensor techniques and data correlation techniques for fast, sensitive and affordable detection and identification of –explosive devices, or –biological substances Technologies for protection and countermeasures against the –impact of explosions, or –effects of CBRN with an emphasis on biological releases PASR-2006 Key activities
Hellenic Research Foundation17 31 March 2006 Project Priority 3: Crisis management Shared information management tools and models to facilitate the efficient integration of diverse emergency and management services for humanitarian operations and rescue tasks in support of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) with an emphasis on security aspects and attention to organisational structures, inter-organisational co-ordination and communication, distributed architectures and human factors. Joint, cross-border control and command systems for emergency and management services in the domain of security operations Technologies and protocols for decontamination of CBRN substances for personnel, equipment and facilities PASR-2006 Key activities
Hellenic Research Foundation18 31 March 2006 Project Priority 4: Interoperability Novel concepts and architectures for information exchange between national administrations for pan- European e-government services in the domain of security. Novel concepts and architectures for wireless communication and information exchange systems for pan-European and (inter-)national emergency and management services. The architecture should allow for the integration of multi-purpose, specific modules for waveforms and cryptography. PASR-2006 Key activities
Hellenic Research Foundation19 31 March 2006 Project Priority 5: Improving situation awareness Recognition of terrorist and crime activities, such as identification of radical ideologies, participating individuals, hotspots for recruitment and their dynamics, financing, using intelligence databases, internet, CCTV & telephone logs, etc. Smart documentation enabling the capability to identify, locate and track persons (e.g. integrating multimodal biometrics, locating devices, etc.) while respecting the EU rules on privacy Novel concepts, architectures and technologies for locating illegal immigration at the EU borders PASR-2006 Key activities
Hellenic Research Foundation20 31 March 2006 Supporting Activities Priorities Coordination network between security technology stakeholders including research activities supported on the national and/or regional level Coordination network integrating security supply chains including small and medium enterprises (SME) Studies in support of security solutions with a particular emphasis on human behaviour; perception of security and privacy; resilience of society to acts of terrorism; macro- economics effects of security Assessment of standardisation needs for equipment and services associated with security, e.g. application of biometrics for identity management, training Studies on the feasibility of joint use of large-scale research, testing and evaluation infrastructures in the security field Studies on the fight against terrorist financing
Hellenic Research Foundation21 31 March 2006 Selection Criteria Relevance to the Programme of Work 2006 Reinforcement of the competitiveness for European industry and potential for exploitation Scientific, technological excellence, contributions to tangible results Building effective partnerships, including users, industry, research establishments Ability for efficient management, protect information if necessary, IPR management
Hellenic Research Foundation22 31 March 2006 PASR Information More Information on Help Desk PASR