1 NC State University 2008 Staff Well-Being Survey Project Overview Personnel Connections Meeting Nancy Whelchel, Ph.D University Planning and Analysis December 13,
2 Overview of Presentation Project history Proposed objectives Advisory committee Tasks Timeline Survey population Survey methods Questionnaire Discussion
3 Project History 2002 Classroom Climate Survey Undergraduate & Graduate Students [DUAP] 2004 Campus Climate Survey Undergraduate & Graduate Students [UPA] 2006 Proposed Staff Survey put on hold [Staff Senate] Fall 2006 Faculty Well-Being Survey Tenure-track & NTT, full-time, on-campus faculty [UPA] Spring 2007: Provost Nielsen & VC Leffler agree to co-sponsor Staff Survey
4 Project Objectives 1)Assess NC State staff well-being and identify noteworthy sub-group variations 2)Identify strengths and challenges in programs/services/policies and the general campus climate to help campus leaders more effectively promote staff well-being among their respective constituents. 3)Identify new or previously unmet staff needs. 4)Provide data to suggest directions for the allocation of limited resources to valued/preferred areas impacting staff well-being.
5 Advisory members: University Planning & Analysis Staff Senate Human Resources Office of Diversity and African American Affairs Office of Equal Opportunity Facilities Libraries Council on Status of Women International Programs Extension Personnel
6 Advisory Committee
7 Tasks Committee: Serve as liaison between constituents and survey group Outline survey objectives Establish timeline Determine survey population parameters Identify topics to cover in survey Advise on data collection methodologies
8 Tasks Committee (continued) : Questionnaire development Develop NC State ‘cover letter’ for survey Develop & help implement methods to promote survey and encourage participation Determine data analysis strategy Review/revise draft reports Share results with constituents and campus community
9 Tasks UPA Lead advisory group & serve as point person Literature review Institutional Review Board (IRB) process Develop questionnaire ID population (and select sample) Develop data collection methodologies Conduct pre-test of questionnaire Administer survey (including sending initial announcements and all follow-up reminders)
10 Tasks UPA (continued) : Data cleaning and analysis Prepare tables of results Prepare draft report; revise as per committee feedback Prepare full documentation of survey methods Give presentations on results to campus community Respond to ad hoc requests for additional analyses/reports/presentations
11 Timeline
12 Survey Population In general, has Staff Senate representation NO Sampling: ALL are included Include: SPA EPA Professional Librarians Extension staff Permanent Time-limited 0.5 FTE or higher Employed at NCSU for 6+ months (e.g., non- probationary) Exclude: 3D List members Post-docs Graduate Teaching & Research Assistants
13 Survey Methods Voluntary –Staff are NOT required to participate –Staff are given time during normal working hours to participate
14 Survey Methods Confidential (but NOT anonymous) –UPA will need Unity ID or Employee ID to control access to survey –ID will be replaced by random ID and crosswalk destroyed –Demographic information will be collapsed in individual records (e.g., age, yrs at NCSU) –Reports include aggregate-level results only –FERPA protections
15 Survey Methods Advertising Article in Fall 2007 Wolfbeat Presentations –Faculty Senate –Personnel Connections –(Executive Officers, Vice Provosts, etc.) Article in Bulletin Information in Employee Appreciation Week materials and events WORD OF MOUTH !!!
16 Survey Methods Announcements/Invitations Pre-notification letter (all; from Provost & VC Leffler) invitation (everyone with valid address) Paper survey packet (all “skilled crafts” & “service/maintenance; all w/out valid ) Kiosk at Employee Appreciation Week Follow-ups to non-respondents (up to 3)
17 Survey Methods Incentives Random drawings for: –2 tickets to 2008 non-conference football game –2 tickets to non-conference men’s basketball game Director of Athletics, Lee Fowler –10 vouchers (2 tickets each) for NC ARTS performance Assoc VC Alex Miller –4 $50 Bookstore gift cards VC Charlie Leffler –Alumni Association apparel and/or State Club gift certificate Assoc VC Lennie Barton
18 Survey Methods Administration mode –Online (English only) –Paper (English & Spanish)
19 Questionnaire Topics Overall Satisfaction & Engagement Work Activities Working Relationships Leadership & Supervision Support & Professional Development Performance Evaluation Salary & Benefits Campus Climate and Diversity/Multiculturalism Vision and Direction Work/Life Balance Campus Infrastructure & Physical Environment Campus Recreational & Cultural Activities Demographics
20 Questionnaire Recurring Themes: Individual experiences and opinions “Work unit” vs “Department” Respect Fairness Communication Involvement and Empowerment Recognition and Rewards
closed-end questions open-end –Why seriously considered leaving NC State in the past 2 years –(EPA only) Describe performance review process used for current position –Most important changes to improve currently available benefits –Most positive aspects of being an NC State staff member –Most serious problems/concerns related to working at NC State –Most significant changes that should be made to improve quality of work life at NC State
22 Reports/Presentations Online reports w/ responses broken down by: –Division and/or large departments –EPA vs SPA –Occupational activity code –# years at NC State –Gender –Race/ethnicity –Other… Topical presentations on request (Summary reports w/ recommendations)
23 Discussion Questions? Suggestions? Comments?