Current Issues  HR Study Update Takes Off – The Council has begun work on updating its groundbreaking HR study, published in 2005. The study, being conducted.


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Presentation transcript:

Current Issues  HR Study Update Takes Off – The Council has begun work on updating its groundbreaking HR study, published in The study, being conducted by R.A. Malatest & Associates with Rogers Media, will use the 2005 Deloitte study as a basis, and will seek to identify issues affecting the supply chain, including recent global factors, currency valuation, commodity pricing and fuel prices. The study will include the following measures: Survey of employers; Survey of employees; Survey of training providers; In-depth interviews with key stakeholders; and Focus groups with employers. Our consultants will be contacting your association over the next few weeks to request the association’s support in promoting the study with its members. Support could take a number of forms. It could include: Agreeing to send an invitation to participate to your members; Posting a link to the survey on your association’s website; or Including some information about the study in your association’s next newsletter.  Hear the Results of the Study – Once the study is complete, the Council will be conducting presentations across the country highlighting our findings. Identify the dates in 2012 that work for you and your association, and contact Kevin Maynard to book a presentation. What We Need From You The Council has launched its Recruitment and Retention Toolkit, and has trained a number of individuals across Canada to deliver workshops at association events such as conferences, national, regional and chapter meetings, and as part of workshops that you may be offering. The sessions are free, and can be delivered in a one-to-two-hour window. Call Beverly Myers at the Council for more information! For further information on any of the above, visit contact or call / Mission Statement "The Canadian Supply Chain Sector Council brings together partners in the sector to develop solutions to the human resource challenges faced by stakeholders. Recognizing the vital role of the supply chain to Canada's economy, the Council is committed to enhancing the sector's ability to attract and retain workers at all levels and across the full range of functions, and to advancing the skills of those workers." BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jim Bergeron Calgary Interfaith Food Bank Don Borsk (Past Chair) Metro Retail Supply Chain Solutions Darren Christle (Vice Chair) Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation Raymond Dufour Collège Communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick Brent Ellis Wills Transfer Limited John Gauvreau Canadian Public Procurement Council Dwayne Hihn (Chair) Manitoulin Global Forwarding Frances Humphreys Wilfrid Laurier University Flavia Iuston-Blair Panalpina Inc. Susan Krausz Humber College Steven Levson Healthcare Supply Chain Network Maria Lindenberg (Vice Chair) Chevron U.S.A. Inc. Jean Loitz INMOTION management inc. Linda Lucas ELLE and Associates Inc. David McCormick (Vice Chair) Pivotal ACTION FORCE Industrial Staffing Solutions Richard Moore Halifax Employers Association Hervé Pilon Cégep André Laurendeau Tracey Raimondo Normandin Transit Inc. Lesley Smith Wal-Mart Canada Corp. Pam Somers APICS The Association for Operations Management