Cognitive Systems Foresight 3D Vision
Cognitive Systems Foresight What are the potential implications of computer vision research for the study of biological vision, in areas other than 3D perception? Methods of representation Does the brain develop a representation? Understanding/modelling the statistics involved Theory of object recognition Are there general purpose computational/biological vision systems? Biological systems appear to possess fixation? Mapping and path planning Additional questions: Does the brain perform matrix multiplication? Does the brain need a geometric model (a coordinate system) for image recognition? 2D? 3D? What is the purpose of vision? 3D Vision
Cognitive Systems Foresight More generally, what are the potential influences from the study of computational cognitive systems on the study of biological ones? Learning how the brain builds models of objects/environments How to model moving versus stationary objects Do biological representations follow the laws of geometry? If so, how do they scale? How to integrate biological models built at different times, orientations, or locations Does the brain keep our representations? If so, how does it use them? Mosaic of environment 3D Vision
Cognitive Systems Foresight What are the potential applications for society of the study of biological or computational vision systems? Biomedical imaging applications Helping the blind: visual prostheses, visual preprocessors Vehicle guidance, autonomous robots Gesture recognition, multimedia systems Neuropsychology: How do some pathologies disrupt the understanding of the meaning of objects? Can we learn about vision mechanisms from studying faulty systems? Object/face recognition Entertainment industry: Artificial actors, computer games Surveillance: scene comprehension Cybernetics: bionic man! 3D Vision