Hard Floor Care VCT floor finish application This presentation is available for review at:
2. Area Conditions 4. Dry Time 3. Application Method 1. Area Inspection How the finish is put down is how it will stay. The way you put it down is important both for the appearance and how well it holds up. Here are 4 simple steps to achieving great results.
Before getting started, let’s make sure we are ready to do the job! 1.PPE! (gloves, shoes) 2.Physical barrier, caution tape, wet floor signs 3.Microfiber flat mop applicator 4.Floor finish 5.Floor finish dispenser (spigot or watering can) 6.Trash bags
This is your last chance to make sure the floor is perfect before putting finish down and sealing in any imperfections. Look out for: Dust, dirt, contaminants Corners, corners, corners! Scuff marks
If the conditions are not right the finish may be affected. Here are a few important points. Floors must not be colder that 60 degrees. Air flow should be at a minimum to avoid dust/contaminants from getting on the floor. If floor is being finished in colder months the heat should be on to allow the floor to dry properly.
It’s time to apply the finish! Here are a few important points to keep in mind when applying the finish to the floor. Wear clean shoes – no stocking feet! Sweat and body oil can mark the floor and ruin the finish. Plan your exit, don’t paint yourself into a corner! Light Switches? Have the pourer/spotter apply a thin bead of finish to the floor keeping container near the floor to limit splashing. Work small areas at a time, about 3 feet wide. Wet the applicator mop first!
“Draw” a line from the corner along the edge of the wall. Only the first and last coats will go all the way to the wall! If applying finish after a deep scrub, only the last coat should go all the way to the wall. Once the edges are coated, apply the finish in a figure 8 pattern. Have your spotter watch for dry spots, don’t let you applicator run dry. Don’t get finish on base boards or transitions. Between coats, wrap plastic bag tightly around mop head. Put the lid back on or cover the finish container.
Don’t rush the job! Dry time is very important. If you rush the job, the floor will haze and ruin the finish. Dry time can range; it may take 30 minutes, it may take 2 hours. Carefully check the floor and make sure it isn’t tacky before applying the next coat. It is recommended that 2-4 coats be applied to a deep scrubbed floor It is recommended that 5-7 coats be applied to a stripped floor.
The job isn’t done until you have cleaned up the tools you used! Rinse down all applicator mop handles, buckets or other tools used. Rinse out and launder microfiber applicator heads. Leave caution tape or physical barriers in place until floor is safe to walk on.