Example City 1 Citizen Satisfaction
2 Measuring Citizen Satisfaction Q: How do you measure citizen satisfaction? A: Ask the “Ultimate Question”
3 The Ultimate Question How likely would you be to recommend that a friend live in Example City?
6 Net Promoter ® Concept How likely would you be to recommend that a friend live in Example City? Promoter PassiveDetractor Extremely unlikely Neutral Extremely likely Net Promoter ® Score = %(minus) % Promoter Detractor
7 The Ultimate Question/Net Promoter ® Score Advantages Simple to understand index Creates a baseline Proven in private sector, but adaptable to public sector Can be asked annually or more frequently
8 Citizen Survey Other Questions Importance/satisfaction with key issue areas (possibly one for each City department) Qualitative (i.e. What would make you rate Example a 9 or 10 on the ultimate question?) Not much more. Don’t ask “Are you satisfied with City Government?”
9 1. Draft survey instrument. 2. Collect addresses. 3. Distribute invitation and reminders. 4. Advertise survey providing a web link (newspaper, water bill, web site, etc.). 5. Distribute hard copy with collection boxes in strategic locations to include non-internet users and people for whom no address is available. 6. Provide a link on City ’ s web site. Possibly also on other cooperating groups ’ web sites (i. e. Chamber, schools, churches). 7. Tabulate and analyze results. 8. Create a baseline for current year and repeat in subsequent years. 9. Evaluate performance. Citizen Survey Procedures
10 Citizen Survey -Net Promoter ® Answer 27.6% Question: What is Example City’s Net Promoter ® Score?
11 NPS – Example City 49.3% Promoters minus 21.7% Detractors = 27.6% NPS
12 NPS – By Geographical Location East Quadrant 63.5% Promoters minus 12.3% Detractors = 51.2% NPS West Quadrant 38.2% Promoters minus 46.4% Detractors = -8.2% NPS North Quadrant 52.6% Promoters minus 15.0% Detractors = 37.6% NPS South Quadrant 34.7% Promoters minus 27.5% Detractors = 7.2 NPS
13 NPS – Longevity in Example City 20 Years or More 40.8% Promoters minus 37.2% Detractors = 3.6% NPS 10 – 19 Years 35.4% Promoters minus 15.7% Detractors = 19.7% NPS 5 – 9 Years 52.6% Promoters minus 15.0% Detractors = 37.6% NPS Less than 5 years 63.7% Promoters minus 19.6% Detractors = 44.1% NPS
14 Citizen Survey - Example City Issue Specific Data IMPT.SATISFACTION IssueMeanIndex Percent 0-6 Percent 9-10 Roads/Transportation %83.5%8.2% Jobs/Economic Development %25.0%35.9% Tax Levels %51.6%22.3% Police Protection %26.0%49.3% Fire Protection %24.7%50.7% Land Use/Growth Management/Affordable Housing %75.0%8.3% Recreation %15.5%53.9% Water & Sewer Services %21.1%52.9% Trash Collection %18.7%60.4% Social Services %64.8%21.1%
15 NPS – Business Satisfaction 61.4% Promoters minus 23.4% Detractors = 38.0% NPS You can also assess business satisfaction by asking people who own or operate a business in your city a form of the Ultimate Question. How likely would you be to recommend that a friend of colleague open or relocate a business to Example City?
16 What should Example City do about the Information? Need to address issues in the South and West Quadrants – These people are least satisfied. Need to address issues related to longevity in the City. People who have lived in Example City the longest are the least satisfied. High priority issues to work on include: Roads/Transportation Tax Levels Land Use/Affordable Housing Jobs/Economic Development Redo the survey next year to track progress.
17 For Information For additional information about Net Promoter ® Score and its application for local government, please contact: Gerald Wexelbaum Strategy Support Associates (561)