4-5 March 2008 Grand Seasons Hotel Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA DEADLINE FOR ABSTRACT SUBMISSION: 31st January 2008 The scientific programme committee welcomes.


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Presentation transcript:

4-5 March 2008 Grand Seasons Hotel Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA DEADLINE FOR ABSTRACT SUBMISSION: 31st January 2008 The scientific programme committee welcomes the submission of abstracts for oral or poster presentation. Presenters are invited to submit abstracts, not exceeding 250 words, Font Size: 12, single space, Times New Roman. Contributions for oral and poster presentations should be submitted by 31 January 2008 using the online ‘Abstract Submission Form’ which can be obtained at the MSPTM website ( to and Completed forms (ie. Registration, Abstract and Payment) to be sent via attachment to: The Secretariat (attn: Assoc Prof Dr Fong Mun Yik) 43rd Annual Scientific Seminar of MSPTM CALL FOR PAPERS REGISTRATION Before 31st January, 2008 Member/Participant RM Non Member/Participant RM After 31st January 2008 Member/Participant RM Non Member/Participant RM Registration includes admission to scientific sessions, bag and abstract book, coffee breaks and lunches. Online ‘Registration Form’ can be downloaded form the MSPTM website and completed forms to be sent via attachment to the Secretariat. Pre- registered delegates will receive a confirmation by as soon as the registration form and payment are received by the Secretariat. PAYMENT PROCEDURE Please download ‘Payment Form’ (from fill in the particulars and send by POST together with cheque / bank draft / L.P.O. to the Secretariat. Pre-conference workshop on “Novel approaches to the control of helminth parasites of livestock” February 2008 Casuarina Hotel, Ipoh For more info:

INVITATION Dear Colleagues, The Organizing Committee takes great pleasure to invite you to the 44th ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC SEMINAR of MSPTM which will be held at the Grand Seasons Hotel, Kuala Lumpur 4-5th March The theme for the seminar is “Impact of Climate Change on Tropical Diseases”. Climate change affects the occurrence and spread of disease by impacting the population size and range of hosts and pathogens, the length of the transmission season, and the timing and intensity of outbreaks. In 2002, WHO reported that climate change was estimated to be responsible in 2000 for approximately 2.4% of worldwide diarrhoea and 6% of malaria in some middle-income countries. A more recent 2005 study indicated that climate change was already causing about 5 million extra cases of severe illness a year and more than 150,000 extra deaths. Based on these important issues we hope the seminar will provide a platform for researchers, clinicians and veterinarians to disseminate current research information and recent advancements in human and zoonotic diseases as well as to discuss the potential consequences of climate change on these diseases. We hope you will accept our invitation to participate in this seminar to make it a memorable seminar. We look forward to meeting our local and overseas members at this seminar. Registration fee is nominal to make it affordable for everyone. See you at the 2008 Seminar and “Selamat Datang” to Malaysia. “Malaysia Truly Asia” Dr. Nazni Wasi Ahmad, President PROGRAMME The seminar will cover the following topics:  Vector Borne Diseases  Parasitic Diseases  Viral and Bacterial Diseases  Water Borne Diseases  Veterinary Parasitic Diseases  Travel Medicine ORGANISING COMMITTEE HOTEL ACCOMODATION Chairperson: Dr. Nazni Wasi Ahmad Secretary: Dr. Yvonne Lim Ai Lian Treasurer: Rozilawati Harun Technical: Dr. Tan Tian Chye Khadijah Saad Social: Noor Azian Md Yusof Tengku Rogayah Fund raising: All Council Members Scientific: Dr. Indra Vythilingam Dr. Reuben Sharma John Jeffery Secretariat: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fong Mun Yik Publicity: Prof Abu Hassan Ahmad Chang Kum Wah Grand Seasons Hotel (seminar venue)