AGU/EGU/GSA activities Earth and Space Science Informatics
ESSI history Fall 07 featured 24 sessions with hundreds of abstracts; two of these sessions were inspired by eGY Spring 08 features 8 Sessions ESSI has almost 700 ‘FTE’ affiliations (remind your colleagues to consider adding it as a secondary affiliation) - fastest growing entity in AGU Fall 08??
ESSI officers (rotation in June) Robin Pfister (chair) Peter Fox (co-chair) Ben Domenico (secretary) Bernard Minster (past-chair) Executive: –Officers + Thomas Narock, Venkat Lakshmi, Ilkay Altinas, Lee Allison, Glenn Rutledge, Richard Ullman, Jean Virieux, Tamas Gombosi, Dave Yuen, Henry Shaw, Stefano Nativi (EGU)
ESSI is active Website, newsletter, list, publication presence: e-journal, special issue/ monograph, EOS articles, discussion forum, etc. Liason efforts to all AGU sections, true joint sessions Plans to identify a Prize lecture, support students eGY will propose sessions to ESSI through 2008
EGU ‘ESSI’ history April sessions (4 oral, 2 poster, 1 special) 70 abstracts - one Union and two GI, one NH - room overflow, strong participation New EGU ESSI division formed in 2007 after townhall meeting based on geoinformatics organization and proposal prepared by interested parties - which was a sub-division within GI/Data April sessions (7 oral, 4 poster), and over 100 abstracts Town Hall - for Grid session Planning for 2009
GSA Geoinformatics Geological Society of America, division of Geoinformatics, confirmed mid-2006 President of division: Prof. Krishna Sinha (VT), incoming Randy Keller (OU) Annual meeting in October Primary sponsor for Geoinformatics 2007 (and 2008) - you will hear more Has almost 240 ‘members’ - > 90 of these are students!
National Geoinformatics System NSF-sponsored initiative for solid earth (NSF/EAR), invitation only (w/ strong USGS and state survey participation) Awarded NSF grant for 6 workshops in 2008
Coordination i-chairs –Conceived to coordinate activities among societies, chairs/ co-chairs only –Share what works, what does not –Not duplicate efforts –Meeting schedule optimization –Perhaps joint events