The Role of a Supplier in a Disaster or Emergency Craig Hodges March 6 th 2012
IBI Wheel of Companies
Nashville Lynnwood Port Angeles Great Falls Missoula Spokane Pasco Peoria Yakima Salem Bend Medford Eugene Denver Austin Houston New Orleans Miami Pompano Beach Lufkin Paris Oklahoma City Tulsa Wichita Kansas City Lincoln Omaha Duluth St. Paul Davenport Peoria Cleveland Huntersville Tucker Rockford Montgomery Winslow Chelsea Champaign Stockton Aberdeen Fairfield Itasca Valley View Westminster Bridgeport Seattle Sacramento Los Angeles Ontario San Diego Las Vegas Phoenix El Paso Dallas San Antonio Orlando Ft. Lauderdale Jacksonville USL Jacksonville Birmingham Memphis Atlanta Florence Charlotte St. Louis Louisville - JAS-USL Louisville Elkridge Philadelphia Mt. Laurel Long Island WorcesterBuffalo Pittsburgh Detroit Columbus Indianapolis Tampa Chicago IBI Distribution Centers IBI Distribution Centers Des Moines 15 Salt Lake City
Emergency Preparedness Do your suppliers have Disaster Recovery Plan? Have you reviewed it? What role do they play in your recovery plan? Are they aware of it, and are expectations understood and agreed to?
Business Continuity Overview We have a Business Continuity policy and plan that is reviewed annually and approved by the board. Risk assessment done enterprise wide: –Governance – 3 level cross-functional committee Executive, BC Preparedness, IT –Replenishment – multi-vendor strategy, IB personnel multi-locations, multiple ports of entry and transportation. –Redundancy – decentralize all key functions, operations, IT, service, logistics –Resilience – alternative power sources for all mission critical sites –Recovery Plans – Customer support plans for declared, long term or area-wide emergency. Evaluate the same for our suppliers. –Testing – Regular testing of our plans are done at all levels. Data, Telephony System redundancy and server level outages –Awareness – Annual BC preparedness meetings and trainings are held at all locations.
Business Continuity Overview Customer support in a declared emergency? –BC preparedness team mobilizes action plans Transfer products to distribution facilities of anticipated high demand or recovery items. Route orders to other distribution facilities to supply product to stricken areas. Mobilize any customer contingency plans as agreed to. Generate manual replenishment orders from RRCs to local distribution facilities. Activate fuel replenishment plans via our supply contracts. Ship standby telecom and infrastructure equipment overnight to affected facilities. Pull stock generators to operate facility as needed. Mobilize sales force to gather and communicate customer needs
Business Continuity Overview Customer Support for long- term, area-wide emergency support –Additional Critical Customer Response Plan (CCRP) is activated and deployed CCRP Team relocates to disaster area Mobilize portable distribution facility to distribute product from. Mobilize wireless and satellite technology to operate facility Activate fuel replenishment plan Transport initial stock and replenishment inventory Mobilize sales force to gather customer needs.