Misconceptions 1. I hate technology. I don't understand why you have to make things complicated. I believe kids learn best with chalk and board. Why would I have to care about technologies? 2. Why would I learn all these technologies if they will become outdated a few years later?
3. I am an early childhood major. Kids are not gonna use these tools that you teach. Why do I have to learn then? 4. I'd like to keep my use of social technologies strictly for social purposes. Why would I have to repurpose into something else? 5. In my school district, all these social tools are banned from classroom, why do I have to learn them?
This class is about change and transformation. Rethink everything. Get out of your comfort zone.
Expectations Lots of “my program broke down” times Lots of “forget to save” times Lots of “it just disappeared” times Lots of “it just didn’t work” times Lots of “I don’t know what you’re saying” times Lots of “ooops” Lots of “ask for extension” times Lots of resubmissions
Complains I hate the online format of this class. I feel like I learned nothing. Can we change this format? I learn all of these tools by watching YouTube videos and tutorials. Why would I need you as as instructor?
An online class is all about self-regulation.
Rethink Does any of the misconceptions apply to you? What concerns do you have at this moment? How do you plan to deal with your concerns of technology integration in classroom? #edct2030concern
8 Keys to Success in Tech Integration 1. FEAR of change 2. TRAINING in basics 3. PERSONAL use 4. TEACHING models 5. LEARNING based 6. CLIMATE 7. MOTIVATION 8. SUPPORT
Syllabus 1- minute self-introduction to your peers Move around. Find 2-3 persons who look like you might be able to work well with. Go through the syllabus with him/her. Answer: What do the syllabus and schedule tell you? What questions do you have?
Wikispaces Sign up an account at wikispaces.com Go to Click on “Request Membership” Wait for your invitation and click on the link in your to accept invitation/membership Click on “Discussions” Try to edit and upload things
Google Sign up a Google account at google.com Go to Week 1’s page in wikispace and find out Google account setup section Click on “here” that takes you to a Google spreadsheet Type out your Gmail account on that spreadsheet
Twitter Sign up a twitter account at twitter.com If you already have one, you may decide whether to keep using it or make a new one. Follow class Search class hashtag #edct2030 and tell me what you find out Click on Twitter Integration on wikispace and learnTwitter Integration
Wordpress Use your Gmail account to sign up a Wordpress account at wordpress.com Wait for me to send you an invitation. Click on the link in your to accept invitation Read blogging guidelines Make to make a new post