STEDE ( ) ( Science Teacher Education Development in Europe )
Group 10a: The use of distance learning in science teachers education.
238 U 222 Rn 4.5*10 9 lat 4.2MeV 234 U 234 Pa 234 Th 230 Th 3.8 dni 5.5MeV
cavities in walls gaps in florboats construction joints cracks in walls cracks in solid floor graps around service pipes
I. RADONET PROJECT for teachers and their students
2. Method of studies - passive - TASTRAK detectors 3. Time - 3 lessons 4. Students’ tasks 5. Tasks for the teacher 6. Appendix
I. RADONET PROJECT for teacher and their students
6. Appendix
I. RADONET PROJECT for teacher and their students 6. Appendix
I. RADONET PROJECT for teacher and their students 6. Appendix
„Radon map” of Torun
Radon in our homes Bq/m 3 Number of measurements
Map of radon concentration in different regions of Poland
II. Ionising radiation of radon and his daughter in electric and electromagnetic fields
2. Experimental setup The scheme of experimental setup
3. The results of investigations Comparison of radon concentration in different places in Torun
3. The results of investigations TASTRAK plates exposed to high electric fields with different electric field line distribution
3. The results of investigations The dependence of radon/radon daughters concentrations as the function of distance from the source of positive polarised electric fields 3000, 5000, 7000 and 9000 V
3. The results of investigations The dependence of radon concentration on humidity of the air