Reindeer Photo Essay Power Point
Materials: one wire hanger
Construction paper (white, red, green and black)
One knee high hose
Glue, scissors
Red glitter
Directions: bend the wire hanger into a diamond.
Cut out circles of white paper for the reindeer eyes. Cut out smaller black circles for the pupils.
Trace your hands on black paper.
Cut them out for reindeer antlers.
Cut out holly leaves. You can use beads for berries, or cut out small red circles of paper.
Stretch the knee high over the hanger. Tie the hose in a knot at the top.
Glue the “antlers” at the top. Cover the knot.
Glue the eyes and holly leaves on the hanger.
Add the pupils.
Make a nose by cutting out a circle of red paper. Glue glitter on the circle.
Finished reindeer!
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