Session 1Design and Technology PGCE Three dimensional movement Session 3
Session 1Design and Technology PGCE Three dimensional movement Wheels, axles and rotary motion Energy sources Criteria for DMAs Reclaimed and bought materials Curriculum planning
Session 1Design and Technology PGCE Making wheeled vehicles The chassis The wheel and axle assembly In-board source of power Body work
Session 1Design and Technology PGCE Chassis Must be rigid Clean holes for axles Use a variety of materials and components
Session 1Design and Technology PGCE Wheels Types of wheels – card, wood, plastic, lids, cotton reels, table tennis balls Thickness and size of wheels – influences the qualities of the movement produced
Session 1Design and Technology PGCE Axles Types of axles – paper fasteners, drawing pins, wire, dowel, straws Must be straight May be rotating or fixed
Session 1Design and Technology PGCE Framework Wood strip frame Art straw frame Cardboard box frame Papier-mâché frame Balsa wood frame Consider finishing techniques
Session 1Design and Technology PGCE Energy sources A stretched elastic band A falling weight A battery powered motor A blown-up balloon A twisted elastic band and propeller Pushing or pulling
Session 1Design and Technology PGCE Renewable Energy Sources Hydroelectric Biomass Geothermal Solar Wind Tidal Wave
Session 1Design and Technology PGCE Activities using rotary movement Vehicles Spinning toys Roundabouts Fairground rides Spinning wheels Machinery
Session 1Design and Technology PGCE Belt and Pulley system
Session 1Design and Technology PGCE Task 1 Create a rotating fairground ride using a battery source
Session 1Design and Technology PGCE Technological impact Industrial Revolution of the 18th and 19th century Automated machinery Steam power Primarily the textile industry Social, economic and technological changes
Session 1Design and Technology PGCE Progression through mechanisms Wheel A water wheel A water wheel driving a machine
Session 1Design and Technology PGCE Design and make criteria The design and make criteria will influence the end product and will enable an evaluation to take place. It must take into account the context of the activity and the needs of the client. Problem solving activities will either be open ended or closed tasks.
Session 1Design and Technology PGCE Providing a context to develop criteria Discussion School visit Survey of the school environment Stories or poems Audio visual material Internet research IDEAs type activity Problem solving Photographs or paintings
Session 1Design and Technology PGCE Developing criteria Carry out surveys to find out needs or problems Observe and/or interview Develop an awareness of the needs of others Be able to look objectively at a situation Clarify needs in line with practical considerations
Session 1Design and Technology PGCE Questions What needs does the client have? What resources are available? (materials and tools) How much time do we have? What is the scale of the outcome? Do we have space available for the practical work?
Session 1Design and Technology PGCE Evaluating Evaluating the completed product in light of the set criteria Evaluating the partially completed product Evaluating the procedures while designing and making
Session 1Design and Technology PGCE Carrying out evaluations Objective evaluations – will usually involve some form of measurement and possibly a scientific investigation or experiment. Subjective evaluations – depend more upon opinion than measurement but are still valid.
Session 1Design and Technology PGCE Task 2 Design an activity to investigate the success of various wheels and axles
Session 1Design and Technology PGCE Materials The greater the range of materials the children have experienced the more choice they will have when working on Design and Make Assignments. Experience may be gained by simply experimenting with the materials or by an introduction to their properties in a focused practical task.
Session 1Design and Technology PGCE MaterialsPropertiesJoiningTools Paper/cardFlexible Easy to cut Gluing Stapling Hands Scissors StripwoodStrong Easy to join Gluing Pinning Hacksaw Hand drill DowelReadily available Quite cheap Gluing Slotting Hacksaw Sharpener Balsa woodLight Easy to cut Gluing Pinning Craft knife PlywoodTough Expensive Gluing Bolting Hand drill Fretsaw PlasticFlexible Difficult to join TapingScissors Craft knife CorrifluteRigid or flexible Strong Gluing Slotting Craft knife Fretsaw
Session 1Design and Technology PGCE Reclaimed materials ‘Junk’ modelling Suitability Comparison to bought materials Safety and hygiene
Session 1Design and Technology PGCE Activities involving reclaimed materials Sorting and shape activities Experiencing different materials Looking at manufacturing processes Packaging Making hinges Creating large structures
Session 1Design and Technology PGCE Tool safety Sharp knife and safety rule Junior hacksaw and bench hook Hand drill and G clamp or vice Low melt glue gun
Session 1Design and Technology PGCE Curriculum Planning
Session 1Design and Technology PGCE Schemes of Work Based upon the National Curriculum Topic work Isolated units Cross curricular links Design and Technology themes
Session 1Design and Technology PGCE Planning Classroom Activities Design and Make Activity Focused Practical Tasks Investigative, Disassembly and Evaluative Activities Learning Outcomes Resources Vocabulary Assessment Opportunities
Session 1Design and Technology PGCE References Blythe,K (1996) Children and Technology Johnsey,R (1998) Exploring Primary Design and Technology Williams,P and Jinks,D (1985) Design and Technology 5-12 DTI Renewable energy sources website