Helping Islands To Take Centre COP21 GLISPA Global Webconference to share your priorities, concepts and ideas
Agenda 1.Welcome and introductions 2.GLISPA Strategy, Priorities & Participation 3.GLISPA COP21 4.What are your priorities? 5.What will be stronger working together?
GLISPA Strategy, Priorities and Participation Mission - To promote action to build resilient and sustainable island communities through innovative partnerships by inspiring leadership, catalyzing commitments and facilitating collaboration Principles - open to any entity committed to taking significant action to advance mission GLISPA Impact Dashboard -
GLISPA COP21 1.Inspire significant new leadership, partnerships and catalyze commitment to action to build resilient and sustainable island communities that demonstrate adaptation on islands including: Celebrate two major resilient island commitments launched by island countries, territories and/or countries with islands; Launch and celebrate the scaling and adoption of an innovative financing tool by six island countries; Launch a major initiative to reframe risk and resilience by supporting island leaders and private sector partners to catalyze innovative investments in integrated infrastructure; Leverage US32m in major financial commitments to support and strengthen implementation of island commitments and action over the next 3 to 5 years 2.Launch celebrations for GLISPA’s 10 year anniversary and commitments that will achieve the refreshed 2020 Strategy to build resilient and sustainable island communities.
Island Resilience Initiative Use a prize challenge and sourcing model to identify a set of issue areas on 5 islands and support them to leverage public resources to catalyze investment in resilient infrastructure. Create new locally-appropriate community investment vehicles that will serve as models for islands and coastal regions around the world. Build a pipeline of sustainable development projects. Develop an Island Resilience Network of finalists and semi-finalists to create a larger, more scalable pipeline of island resilience projects for long-term investment. Island Resilience Initiative Concept Note available on request to Jessica
Debt Swap Expansion Strategy -Working with The Nature Conservancy and Seychelles Objectives: 1. Secure commitments at the UNFCCC COP in Paris from at least three other countries to replicate the Seychelles debt swap. 2. Include reference to debt swaps as a financial mechanism in international agreements.
Innovative Island Solutions: A GLISPA high level catalyzing event Hosts: one or more of the Co-Chairs of GLISPA - The President of Seychelles or Palau and/or the Prime Minister of Grenada - as well as the OCTA Chair, the Prime Minister of Curacao. Proposed Format of High Level Event Time: 6:30pm to 11pm (tbc) Date: Sunday 6 Dec OR Tuesday 8 Dec (final date will be selected on confirmation of date of high-level segment by France) Venue: The event will be hosted outside the COP21 venue (at a supporting Embassy) Format: Strictly Invitation Only to high level government representatives and heads of IGO, NGO and island supporters 30min welcome reception, 45min to 1hr speaking program and seated dinner followed by Island Fiesta
Commitments Criteria With the exception of the event hosts, all speakers will launch one or more commitments that meet the following criteria: Be a significant, ambitious and measurable pledges to build resilient and sustainable island communities in the context of climate change adaptation and mitigation. Be an island solution or bright spot Be committed at the highest possible level politically or other (or on behalf of the head of state or government or head of entity) National or multi-country in scale. If national, the commitment is at the scale of the whole country. Financial commitments should support all of the criteria above, be new to islands in Review the Event Spotlight from GLISPA’s most recent high-level event “Leaders Inspiring Action” during the Third UN Conference on SIDS.Leaders Inspiring Action
Island Bright Spot event Hosts: Ministerial or Ambassadorial representative of one or more of the GLISPA Co- Chairs as well as OCTA Outcomes: Identify and share innovative island solutions, bright spots, in adaptation and resilience Proposed Format of High Level Event Time: TBC – ideally 2hrs Date: TBC – ideally 1 st week of COP Venue: TBC – exploring EU Pavilion, other suggestions welcomed. Format: Open to all interested in sharing innovative island solutions in adaptation and resilience. 10minute welcome, 1.5 hours facilitated world café style discussions around priority themes, 20minute wrap up.
An Invitation GLISPA is engaging interested countries and organizations interested in supporting the common vision of building resilient and sustainable island communities to contribute financially or in-kind to this event series. The event supporters will be recognized in the event specific materials. if you would like to get
Engagement at COP21 The following events/priorities are what we have heard relevant to GLISPA. This list is not exhaustive nor are dates/details confirmed. Oceans Day – Fri 4 Dec Day of Action – Sat 5 Dec Equator Prize – date tbc Island supporters likely to be attending COP21: TNC, Rare, OCTA, IUCN, Caribbean Biodiversity Fund, U.S. National Invasive Species Council, University of Queensland Global Change Institute, World Fish, Global Ocean Forum, Mission Blue, Google Ocean, c-dots, Equator Initiative, NRDC, SPREP, IOC,
What are your priorities at COP21? What are your goals? What events? Where else can islands be featured? What will be stronger working together?