Topic: Transmission Towers Objective: ▫ Build transmission towers from balsa wood. 1 Summary: ▫ One to one-and-half hours is given to students. In their groups, 1-2 students must start building the balsa wood models, but the other students may work on unfinished work (the house). Instructor Information
Wood Tower Building
Distribution/Transmission Tower Obtain the following supplies: ▫ 2 balsa wood sticks (36” long) ▫ 5-10 pins ▫ Scissors ▫ Small Amount of tape The tower needs to be approximately 9” tall or slightly taller than the box used to make your house The distribution tower can have as many legs are you would like but it needs to support the weight of 2-18” wire – the wires can not touch. 3
Tower Instructions Construct the tower by cutting the balsa wood into the desired lengths with scissors. The individual wood pieces can be initially connected with pins After you are satisfied with the design, you can add glue to the pin locations by pulling the two pieces of wood slightly apart and applying glue. Use a Q-tip to move the glue to the right positions. Repress the sticks together with the pins and allow the glue to set for at least two hours Remove the pins 4