Top-level Research Initiative Effect Studies and Adaptation to Climate Change (PK1) Mogens Henze Professor, Head of Department Technical University of Denmark Department of Environmental Engineering
Overall Aims The sub-programme aims to improve knowledge about society's capacity for adaptation, and the risks and opportunities that the effects of climate change may entail the Nordic region. Effect Studies and Adaptation to Climate Change (PK1)
Specific goals of the sub-programme To further increase research and researcher training quality in the field To increase efficiency, competitiveness and visibility of Nordic research through enhanced collaboration To develop good framework conditions for collaboration between researchers, industry, societal actors and policy makers in the field To contribute to increase the attractiveness of Nordic researchers on the European and international level, leading to extended collaboration and additional research funding from European and international sources in the field To contribute to developing further joint Nordic initiatives in the field Effect Studies and Adaptation to Climate Change (PK1)
Research Themes Adaptation - Effect studies - Climate Change Adaptation concerning land, coastal areas, or cities. Impacts on nature, ecosystems, society and economy. Instruments 1)Nordic Networks 2)Nordic Centres of Excellence (NCoE) Effect Studies and Adaptation to Climate Change (PK1)
A NCoE or Nordic Network within this sub-programme is expected to cover topic areas of one or several of the following keywords: adaptation supported by effect studies; adaptation to the consequences of climate change concerning land, coastal areas, or cities; opportunities that climate change might open for the Nordic countries Effect Studies and Adaptation to Climate Change (PK1)
Effects of climate change can include impacts on nature, ecosystems, society and economy. The programme is a combination of natural/ technical science and social science/ humanities. Participants from industry, policy makers and societal actors should be included when relevant. Societal impact is important. Effect Studies and Adaptation to Climate Change (PK1)
Nordic Researcher Networks Same objectives as the NCoEs Total budget of max NOK over three years Decisive that Ph.D. students and young researchers participate actively Networking (travel costs, workshops, PhD courses) 10 networks funded in 2010 with a total budget of 7.8 MNOK. The funded projects cover a broad range of relevant topics, such as ecosystems effects, socio-economic effects and policy measures. Effect Studies and Adaptation to Climate Change (PK1)
The Nordic Networks funded in spring 2010 ”Climate and Biodiversity”, Christian Damgaard, DK “NORDic CLimate change ADaptation research Network (NORDCLAD-Net)” Katarina Eckerberg, SE “NOrdic Network on Adaptive Management in relation to climate change (NONAM)” Adriaan Perrels, FI “Coastal Adaptation and Climate Change”, Jacob Hjelmager Jensen, DK “People and ecosystems in a changing environment”, Arja Rautio, FI “Nordic Waterbirds and Climate Network – NOWAC” Anthony David Fox, DK “Nordic Climate Mitigation, Adaptation and Economic Policies (N-CMAEP): establishing an interdisciplinary strategic approach for addressing solutions to the changing climate” Michael Goodsite, DK “Nordic Network for Climate Change, Adaptation, and Multilevel Governance (NORCAM)” Grete Hovelsrud, NO “Interdisciplinary research: theories and applications in urban climate change adaptation” Karl Georg Høyer, NO “Statistical Approaches to Regional Climate Models for Adaptation”, Peter Guttorp, NO
Nordic Centres of Excellence (1/3) Main objectives and features to promote research of excellent scientific quality to increase the visibility and attractiveness of Nordic research in a European and global context to ensure efficient and flexible use of the Nordic resources to support creative and efficient research and research training environments to create critical Nordic mass to increase the intra-Nordic mobility of younger researchers in particular to stimulate co-operation between disciplines to facilitate appropriate division of work and specialisation between the Nordic countries to integrate the NCoEs into the national research systems to create added value through Nordic cooperation and further increase the scientific quality of Nordic research Effect Studies and Adaptation to Climate Change (PK1)
Nordic Centres of Excellence (2/3) Virtual centres based on existing research units representing at least three different Nordic countries Project duration is five years (3+2) Total budget 90 MNOK (3-4 centres) Virtual centres based on existing research units representing at least three different Nordic countries Project duration is five years (3+2) Total budget 90 MNOK (3-4 centres) Effect Studies and Adaptation to Climate Change (PK1)
Nordic Centres of Excellence (3/3) Funding covers researcher and key staff training fellowships for visiting professors fellowships for post docs from Nordic or other countries fellowships for PhD students from the Nordic countries in the programme miscellaneous costs that will provide added Nordic strength to the NCoE results Nordic doctoral courses (incl. visiting Nordic professors) arranged by the NCoE extra management and co-ordination costs Effect Studies and Adaptation to Climate Change (PK1)
Status of the NCoE Application Process Two step application process Step 1: 20 proposals received by deadline 5 March The programme committe decided, following international peer review, to invite 7 proposals to Step 2. Step 2: Deadline 17 June Final funding decisions will be made by the PC late autumn 2010 following external peer review. Effect Studies and Adaptation to Climate Change (PK1)
1.Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation (Arni Snorrason, IS) 2.Climate Change Effects on Marine Ecosystems and Resource Economics (Nils Christian Stenseth, NO) 3.NorDapt - The Nordic Centre of Adaptation to the Effects of Climate Change (Morten Pejrup, DK) (Coastal areas, terrestrial ecosystems, downscaling) 4.How to preserve the tundra in a warming climate? (Lauri Oksanen, FI) 5. Nordic Strategic Adaptation Research (NORD-STAR) - The Nordic Centre of Excellence on the Integration of Adaptation to Climate Change and Adaptation to Climate Policy (Michael Goodsite, DK) 6. Climate change effects on Nordic Seas fish and fisheries: adapting to and implications for economy, management and society (Sven Sundby, NO) 7. Biodiversity and ecosystem services in a changing climate (Henrik Smith, SE) 7 Invited Proposals to Step 2 NCoE Effect Studies and Adaptation to Climate Change (PK1)
Activity Plans Nordic Networks Networks have already or are about to start their activities Network kick-off October 2010 in Oslo 3-year projects Total activity budget 7.8 MNOK Nordic Centres of Excellence Projects may start in the end of 2010 NCoE kick-off spring year projects Total activity budget 90 MNOK Effect Studies and Adaptation to Climate Change (PK1)
Contact Information Chairman of Programme Committee Professor Mogens Henze Phone: Secretary of Programme Committee Senior Adviser Maria Nilsson Phone: Effect Studies and Adaptation to Climate Change (PK1)