Elona learning Journey Music and computing
IEvidence: How I achieved this? Play and perform in solo and ensemble contexts I can sing in the Gospel Choir confidently I always feel happy when I am singing I can sing solos confidently Use voices and instruments with increasing accuracy, fluency, control, expression I can do actions in time with the songs that we sing I can sing sensitively, paying attention to volume, and the style of music I can tell whether my voice is a “Soprano” or “Alto I can tell that I am a alto because alto is quiet and it has less people. Improvise and compose music for a arrange of purposes using the inter- related dimensions of music I can compose music using live instruments and technology I can improvise a drum kit accompaniment to a piece of hip hop music I can create sound effects to create a particular mood for a song The altos in Year 5 might sound quieter than the sopranos, but that’s not the definition of alto. Altos sing lower than sopranos.
Targets “I Can” StatementsEvidence: How have I achieved this? Listen with attention to detail and recall sounds with increasing aural memory I can sing and remember harmony parts confidently in a choir I can remember all of the words to the songs Use and understand staff and other musical notations I understand and can compose using visual notation Appreciate and understand a wide range of live and recorded music drawn from different traditions and from great composers and musicians I can describe the sounds in a composition I can describe the form and structure of a composition
Other things that I can do I can make music on soundatinI made loud, rocking music. I sing in front of peopleWhen it was the frist leson Other things that I would like to do I want to learn more drumming and singing
7 January 2015 LO;to practice logging into lgfl and sending and , to log in soundation and make a composition Assessment;I have been struggling with my soundation password and I have complete the in lgfl.
I had trouble
Mr Salazar’s Comments This is an excellent powerpoint, as it shows me what you learned and what you need to improve. Do you have your LGFL username and password memorized?no Mr Salazer but I allways bring my lgfl paper. In soundation, did you click “Log In” in the top right hand side of the screen? Do you know what your password is?yes Mr Salazer I did it because I had my lgfl paper
Gospel 14 January 2015 Lo;To write my experiences in gospel. I had a great time gospel because we learnt new songs like let the sunshine, Jump and many more. I also enjoyed when me and ece also nashid sang hold on to Your faith. We had a competition Havin and Ruthlin. we needed sing in the whole year 5.
Mr Salazar’s Comments 15 January Thank you for responding to the marking. I’m glad that you enjoyed Gospel. Do you feel confident in your singing voice? Yes Mr Salazer.
Mr Salazar’s Comments 22 January Elona, thank you for selecting your I Can statements. Please review the marks that I left on those pages, and add some more details. I’m glad to know that you are an alto. However, altos don’t have quiet voices, they have lower voices than sopranos. Is your voice low compared to the other girls in your class? Yes Mr Salazar
28 January 2015 Learning Objective –To describe musical form Definition of “Form” –How the parts of a song are put together –The structure of music
Musical Form What are the different parts of music? (Add your own definitions) –Verse: beging the song –Chorus:because I’am happy –Bridge:clap along if feeling happy –Please try these definitions again. I want to know what a verse, chorus and bridge are like in any song. On the next slide, you will listen to the song “Happy” and add notes regarding the verse and chorus. The first two sections are completed for you.
Happy: Musical Form LyricsInstrumentsVocals Verse 1“It might seem crazy….” Drum Kit, Synthesizer Female Soloist Chorus“Because I’m Happy…” Drum Kit, Synthesizer Female Soloist; Background vocals Verse 2Here comes bad news talking this and there Drumkit,synthesizerFemale soloist ChorusBecause iamDrumkit, synthesizer Female soloist ;back ground vocals BridgeBring me downClapping Any other instruments? Female soloist back ground vocals ChorusBecause I’am happyClapping, synthesizer Soloist(female)back ground vocals Chorus Bridge Chorus
Mr Salazar’s Comments 12 February Elona, please edit your definitions on page 12. See my comment. Your work on slide 13 looks good. I have added the last 4 sections of the song. Please fill in the blank boxes Please correct the spelling errors that I have marked.
Singing expression I really enjoyed gospel because I learnt new songs and it was fun. Gospel has 2 teams altos and sopranos
Learning objects To describe musical texture To describe texture in music Define of texture;Layers of sound Please add definition of texture.
Password;m***c Username;Elona Kasa
5/5/15 Please add a caption to describe this picture and what you learned. 11/5/15: Elona, this is excellent work. Thank you for adding the caption. Well done! Today I have learnt how to put layers of sound in the correct order. Meldoly and round have more than one player and duet has 1 player and solo has 2.
Today I have learnt how to make the beats in the corrcet oder. 11 May: Elona, I am so pleased that you were able to do the extension and to take a screenshot. I don’t see any sections in your powerpoint. Did you add sections before?
13 May 2015 Learning Objective ;To describe the time signature in music. Song 1; drive there is 4 tunes in each bars Song 2; simple there is 4 tunes in each bar Song 3;clin odel there is 3 tunes in each bar Song 4 ; your planet 2202 there is 1tune in each bar Song 5;3 o clouck has 4 tunes in each bar
Wensday 3 rd June 2015 Lo:To describe the time Signature of a song.
24 June 2015 Today I took a quiz about dynamics. I learnt piano