FFEL Business Process and Data Standardization April 28, 2008
2 Agenda Panelist Introductions Purpose Project Mission FFEL Data Standards Phased Approach Phase I – Internal Analysis Phase II – External Analysis Questions
3 Panelist Introductions Pam Eliadis – Federal Student Aid Kristi Blabaum - GLHEC Justin Draeger - NASFAA Mark Putman - NCHELP
4 Purpose Provide an overview of the FFEL Data Standardization and Business Process Improvement Project What it is What’s been done Where we are today Next steps
5 Develop FFEL process improvement recommendations and define data standards that will be exchanged between Federal Student Aid and its partners throughout the financial aid lifecycle for FFEL Program loans. Project Mission
6 Proposed Business Process Improvements Goals: Streamline FFEL business processes for Federal Student Aid and the FFEL Community Eliminate current process weaknesses across the financial aid lifecycle Incorporate target state initiatives and concepts into FFEL business processes Resolve information/data deficiencies
7 Proposed Data Standards Goals: Eliminate duplicative reporting through collection of the right data from the right data provider at the right time Collect data based on business needs Establish in the XML Registry and Repository (XML R&R) a common definition for data attributes that Federal Student Aid and the FFEL Community exchange
8 Benefits to Federal Student Aid and Partners Improved accuracy and consistency of information Reduced redundancy of information and processes Improved timeliness of information Improved completeness and accessibility of information Improved ability to synthesize, report on and analyze information Streamlined data collection and integrated end-to-end processes
9 Benefits to Students and Parents Single integrated view of student information Improved default prevention by predictive modeling to identify at-risk borrowers and early intervention to assist those borrowers Reduced data entry burden through pre-population of information (e.g., consolidation application) Improved security of individual information through reduced reliance on the Social Security Number Information quality
10 FFEL Data Standards Phased Approach The FFEL Data Standards project consists of 3 phases: Phase I - Internal Analysis with Federal Student Aid and Department of Education Business Owners Phase II – External Analysis with the FFEL Community of Interest Phase III – Modify/Add Data Standards through Postsecondary Education Standards Council (PESC) Change Control Board Phase 1: Intern al Analy sis with Busin ess Owne rs Phas e 2: Exter nal Analy sis with FFEL Com munit y Phas e 3: PESC CCB Data Requirements Gathering
11 Phase I: Internal Analysis Approach Submit updated requirements to business owners for approval of draft Meet with business owners to review baseline data requirements Use feedback from Federal Student Aid business owners to evaluate draft data standards Develop updated requirements and to- be business processes Internal Analysis with Business Owners Process Federal Student Aid Draft Data Requirements Baseline Data Requirements Obtain approval from Federal Student Aid Analyzed Federal Student Aid Interfaces: DMCS NSLDS FMS Consolidation/LVC Phase 1: Intern al Analy sis with Busin ess Owne rs Phas e 2: Exter nal Analy sis with FFEL Com munit y Phas e 3: PESC CCB Data Requirements Gathering
12 Phase I: Internal Analysis Outcomes FFEL Data Flows Requirements Document (V2 – Business Unit Lead Validated) Draft “To-be” FFEL lifecycle business process maps Draft FFEL data standard requirements Phase 1: Intern al Analy sis with Busin ess Owne rs Phas e 2: Exter nal Analy sis with FFEL Com munit y Phas e 3: PESC CCB Data Requirements Gathering
13 Phase 1: Intern al Analy sis with Busin ess Owne rs Phas e 2: Exter nal Analy sis with FFEL Com munit y Phas e 3: PESC CCB Data Requirements Gathering Phase II: External Analysis Approach
14 Phase II: FFEL Community Representatives Loan AssignmentsNSLDS ReportingCommonLine Common Record GA Financial ReportingLender Financial ReportingCommon Account Maintenance (CAM) Collection Support Processes (i.e., TOP, NDNH, etc) ConsolidationLVC Processing Cohort Default RatesClaims ProcessingDischarge/forgiveness Processing PerkinsDirect LoansFederal Grants 6 Federal Student Aid representatives 21 FFEL Community representatives –Experience needed for workgroup
15 Phase II: Federal Student Aid Representatives Federal Student Aid Representative Areas of the Federal Student Aid business representing Ron Bennett NSLDS Financial Partners Systems Financial Partners Services Portfolio Risk Management Program Operations Holly Hyland Lisa Elliott Enterprise Data Management CIO XML Registry and Repository Adele Gabrielli Borrower Services – Default Resolution Borrower Services – Systems Borrower Services – Processing Group Borrower Services – Non-Default Group Angela Roca-Baker Federal Student Aid CFO Lender Financial Reporting GA Financial Reporting Budget Service Zachary Vroman Financial Partners Eligibility and Oversight School Eligibility Channel Enterprise Performance Management
16 Phase II: Meetings Kickoff meeting: November 29, 2007 in San Diego Federal Student Aid Conference Weekly external workgroup meetings In-person external workgroup meeting: March 10, 2008 Phase II results meeting with internal stakeholders
17 Phase II: External Workgroup Activities The external workgroup reviews data elements previously vetted with internal stakeholders during Phase I to support the FFEL financial aid lifecycle. The external workgroup specifically analyzes: –Data element names –Data element definitions –Data element usage, field length and type The external workgroup members are given a week to accept or reject the proposed data elements. The external workgroup members determine whether some elements are duplicative or unnecessary
18 Phase II: Subgroups From the external workgroup, 2 subgroups were formed to discuss: –Payment/Collection History: the subgroup will discuss the needs of Federal Student Aid to obtain borrower payment history to support loan assignment, financial reporting and program management. –Lender financial reporting (ED Form 799): the subgroup will discuss ways to reduce the burden of lender financial reporting through the collection of aid-level data elements.
19 Phase II: Communications Plan to the FFEL Community A Communication Sub-Committee is responsible for developing and approving a monthly update to the FFEL community. Updates on project progress are provided through a link on the Financial Partners Portal ( Proj.jsp). Proj.jsp NCHELP, NASFAA and COHEAO provide the monthly communication to their respective listservs. A dedicated address has been established for community comments and
20 Phase II: Communications Plan to the FFEL Community Communication Sub-Committee Members: Ron Bennett (Federal Student Aid) Mike Balogh (NCHELP) Justin Draeger (NASFAA) Mark Putman (NCHELP)
21 Target State Context of FFEL Data Standards Data standards will lead to schema development for specific Target State Vision (TSV) implementations: Student Aid History Management (SAHM) Information Framework (IF)/Operational Data Store (ODS) Debt Management Collection System (DMCS)/Conditional Disability Discharge Tracking System (CDDTS) reengineering Loan Consolidation enhancements Financial Management System (FMS) enhancements
22 Federal Student Aid Target State Vision
23 Target State Architecture
24 Frequently Asked Questions Question: When does the FFEL Community have to begin reporting the approved data standards?
25 Frequently Asked Questions Answer: The data standards will be implemented as Federal Student Aid reengineers or enhances its legacy systems (i.e., NSLDS, Debt Management Collection System [DMCS], Financial Management System [FMS]) with planned target state vision solutions. Federal Student Aid will not implement all target state solutions at once. Federal Student Aid will use a phased implementation approach over a multi-year timeframe.
26 Frequently Asked Questions Question: Why do you have Perkins and Direct Loan representatives on a FFEL Data Standards workgroup?
27 Frequently Asked Questions Answer: Federal Student Aid wants to ensure that common data reported across aid programs are consistently defined and create information parity for Title IV programs.
28 Frequently Asked Questions Question: How can non workgroup participants provide feedback and input to the process?
29 Frequently Asked Questions Answer: An address has been established to provide feedback and input,
30 Frequently Asked Questions Question: Is this effort leveraging work already done for CAM, CommonLine Common Record, etc.?
31 Frequently Asked Questions Answer: Yes. During Phase 1 of this project Federal Student Aid mapped data that is currently collected with data elements in the XML R&R to see where previous work could be leveraged. Additionally, during workgroup discussions the workgroup references data elements and definitions already defined in CAM and CommonLine. Additionally, there are members of our workgroup with detailed knowledge and experience with previous data standardization efforts.
32 Frequently Asked Questions Question: How will the implementation of these standards impact schools?
33 Frequently Asked Questions Answer: FFEL schools will still provide data to lenders and guaranty agencies using the CommonLine standard. Federal Student Aid will conduct a similar project for Perkins schools at a later date.
34 We appreciate your feedback and comments Community Inquiries: