CACFP I NFANT M EAL P ATTERN Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)
P RINT THESE DOCUMENTS Listed UNDER Guidance Memorandum (GM) #12C CACFP Infant Meal Pattern Infant Meal Notification Forms: Infant Meal Notification Letter CACFP Child Participation Form (PI-6077-A) 2
T ERMS Infant: baby from birth through 11 months Infant Formula: iron-fortified infant formula Exempt Infant Formula visit: anceDocumentsRegulatoryInformation/InfantFormu la/ucm htm anceDocumentsRegulatoryInformation/InfantFormu la/ucm htm Medical statement required to serve/claim reimbursement for infant formulas on Exempt Formula List 3
T ERMS Infant Cereal: iron-fortified dry infant cereal Solid Foods: infant cereal, prepared baby foods Developmentally Ready: readiness to eat solid foods All infants develop at their own rate When an infant is developmentally ready to eat solid foods you must offer these foods to the infant 4
Infant meals must be purchased and offered by the center One type of iron-fortified infant formula Infant cereal and solid foods Fruits Vegetables Meats Meat alternates 6
I NFANT M EAL N OTIFICATION Inform parents that one infant formula and solid foods are provided by the center Infant Meal Notification or CACFP Child Participation Form (GM 12C) Parent may accept or decline formula and/or infant foods 7
I NFANT M EAL N OTIFICATION 10 ABC Day Care Baby’s Brand Iron-Fortified Formula Katie Smith 5/4/XX Baby’s Brand Iron-Fortified Formula CACFP Child Participation Form
I NFANT M EAL N OTIFICATION 11 CACFP Child Participation Form Baby’s Brand Iron-Fortified Formula
I NFANT M EAL N OTIFICATION 12 CACFP Child Participation Form Baby’s Brand Iron-Fortified Formula
I NFANT M EAL N OTIFICATION 13 CACFP Child Participation Form Baby’s Brand Iron-Fortified Formula
0-3 M ONTH O LDS Breast milk or infant formula 4-6 ounces Infant meal times may vary Feed on demand 18
I NFANT M EAL P ATTERN 4-7 MONTHS OLD Breakfast: Breast milk / Infant Formula (4-8 fl oz) Infant Cereal (0-3 T*) – when developmentally ready Lunch/Supper: Breast milk / Infant Formula (4-8 fl oz) Infant Cereal (0-3 T*) – when developmentally ready and Fruit and/or Vegetable (0-3 T*) – when developmentally ready Snack: Breast milk / Infant Formula (4-6 fl oz) 20 *T = Tablespoon
R EMINDER Ages 4-7 months: Iron-fortified infant cereal or veg/fruit (when developmentally ready) means that the meal component is required only if the child is developmentally ready to eat that food(s) When the child is ready to eat that food, and the parents want you to serve it, that component must be served at the meal(s) 21
I NFANT M EAL P ATTERN 8 THROUGH 11 MONTHS Breakfast: 6-8 fl oz IFIF or breastmilk 2-4 T Iron-fortified Infant Cereal 1-4 T Fruit and/or vegetable Lunch/Supper: 6-8 fl oz IFIF or breastmilk 1-4 T Fruit and/or Vegetable 2-4 T Iron-fortified Infant Cereal and/or Meat/Meat Alternate Snack: 2-4 fl oz IFIF, breastmilk, or 100% fruit juice Bread or crackers (when developmentally ready) 23
C REDITABLE B READS AND C RACKERS Breads: biscuits Bagels English Muffins Pita bread Rolls Soft Tortillas Crackers Saltines Snack Crackers Animal crackers Graham crackers (without honey)* *Clostridium botulinum=serious food borne illness Listing of Creditable Grains and Breads under Guidance Memorandum 12C
R EMINDERS Full strength (100%) juice is reimbursable only at snack for 8 through 11 month old infants Juice cannot be diluted or watered down for infants Juice should only be served in a cup No fruit drinks, fruit punch, soda, or sweetened drinks 25
O LDER I NFANTS NOT EATING IFIC 1. Ask parents if you can offer IFIC at breakfast since it is required, 2. Do not claim breakfasts for these children, or 3. Request a medical statement stating that the child is eating all table foods 26
O LDER I NFANTS NOT EATING IFIC Infants ages 8 through 11 months who are consuming all table foods, including whole fluid milk, must have a signed medical statement on file saying these foods are appropriate for the infant These infants may be counted in the regular meal counts and production records 27
O LDER I NFANTS NOT EATING IFIC Infant meal records need not be completed for infants with a signed medical statement that allows only table foods However, the complete meal pattern for 1-12 year olds must be met for each meal claimed 28
IFIC R ECIPES Iron Fortified Infant Cereal recipes for pancakes and muffins GM #12C: Infants
W HICH M ILK IS B EST ? 30 Milk InfantsBreast milk or formulaRequired Age 1Whole or 2% (reduced-fat)Recommended Age 2 and up1% (low-fat) or skim (fat-free)Required
T RANSITION FROM F ORMULA TO W HOLE M ILK There may be a period from ages 12 – 13 months to transition children from formula to whole milk After 13 months of age, formula is no longer a reimbursable component unless a medical statement is on file 31
B REASTMILK FOR B ABIES OVER 12 MONTHS OF AGE Continue to serve babies their mother’s milk as long as the mother is able and wishes to provide it No medical statement needed Breastmilk is a substitute for cow’s milk in the meal pattern for children 32
P ERTINENT W EBSITES Community Nutrition Team Home Page: CACFP Guidance Memorandums: 33
34 The U.S Department of Agriculture prohibits discrimination against its customers, employees, and applicants for employment on the bases of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, reprisal, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial or parental status, sexual orientation, or all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program, or protected genetic information in employment or in any program or activity conducted or funded by the Department. (Not all prohibited bases will apply to all programs and/or employment activities.) If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, found online at or at any USDA office, or call (866) to request the form. You may also write a letter containing all of the information requested in the form. Send your completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S. Department of Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C , by fax (202) or at Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) ; or (800) (Spanish). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.