EMODNET-Geology EMODNET Progress Meeting Brussels 29 November 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

EMODNET-Geology EMODNET Progress Meeting Brussels 29 November 2010

Brief overview Progress (including difficulties, feedback, interactions with other EMONET lots) Portal Timetable for rest of project ur-EMODNET meeting, Brussels, Belgium 29 November 2010

EMODNET - Geology 14 partners Geological surveys of Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Netherlands, Belgium, France, Ireland and UK. All partners are members of EuroGeoSurveys Marine Geology Expert Group (will demonstrate EMODNET to other partners at next annual meeting) Co-ordinated by NERC/BGS ur-EMODNET meeting, Brussels, Belgium 29 November 2010

Main deliverables Sea-bed sediments including rate of accumulation or sedimentation Sea-floor geology (age, lithology, origin) Boundaries and faults Rate of coastal erosion or sedimentation Geological events and event probabilities (landslides, volcanic, earthquake epicentres) Seismic profiles Minerals (including aggregates, oil and gas) Available via an internet portal (OneGeology -Europe) ur-EMODNET meeting, Brussels, Belgium 29 November 2010

Greater North Sea; Celtic Sea; Baltic Sea ur-EMODNET meeting, Brussels, Belgium 29 November 2010

WP1 Project Management (BGS, UK) WP2 1:1 million marine geological data specification and sourcing (BGS, UK) WP3Sea-bed sediment information (GTK, Finland) WP 4 Sea-floor geology (BGR, Germany) WP5 Coastal erosion or sedimentation (TNO, Netherlands) WP6 Geological events and probabilities (NGU, Norway) WP7 Minerals (GSI, Ireland) WP8 Integration with OGE (BGS/BRGM, France) WP9 Dissemination (BGS) WP10Liaison (BGS) WP11 Project analysis and sustainability (BGS) ur-EMODNET meeting, Brussels, Belgium 29 November 2010 Work packages/Work Package Leaders

ur-EMODNET meeting, Brussels, Belgium 29 November 2010 Information work packages WP3Sea-bed sediment information (GTK Finland) WP4Sea-floor geology (BGR, Germany) WP5Coastal erosion or sedimentation (TNO, Netherlands) WP6Geological events and probabilities (NGU, Norway) WP 7Minerals (GSI, Ireland)

WP3 Sea-bed sediments ur-EMODNET meeting, Brussels, Belgium 29 November 2010

Index map ur-EMODNET meeting, Brussels, Belgium 29 November 2010

WP4 Sea-floor geology ur-EMODNET meeting, Brussels, Belgium 29 November

WP5 Coastal erosion or sedimentation ur-EMODNET meeting, Brussels, Belgium 29 November TNO (Dutch survey) developing 3D models that allow sediment volumes to be calculated Example: Rotterdam harbour

WP7 Minerals Progress has been slow on resource layers due to ICES and Ospar coordinators not being willing to share compilations of mineral data Direct contact with data sources is ongoing with a view to complete compilation by the end of ur-EMODNET meeting, Brussels, Belgium 29 November 2010

EMODNET-Geology website

ur-EMODNET meeting, Brussels, Belgium 29 November 2010

Metadata for each layer ur-EMODNET meeting, Brussels, Belgium 29 November 2010

EMODNET Geology and One-GeologyEurope Share methodologies and communications objectives Develop international exchange standard for geology (GeoSciML) Contributes to INSPIRE Implementing Rules OGE is registered as the European contribution to the geological layer for GEOSS and contributes to GMES. Web portal providing multi-lingual access to data Best practice guides Data standards will be non-proprietory and include GeoSciML and other open web service technologies including OGC, WMS, WFS, OGC WCS etc. ur-EMODNET meeting, Brussels, Belgium 29 November 2010

Interoperable marine geological data layers Scientific and informatics specifications for the harmonisations of low-resolution data Local examples that demonstrate higher resolution harmonisation (NOC North Atlantic) Multilingual discovery metadata Robust data model in line with OGE Links to metadata/data resources (GeoSeas) Vocabularies in line with those used by Geo-Seas Web portal Documented best practice for delivery of geological data ur-EMODNET meeting, Brussels, Belgium 29 November 2010 Results of project

Workpackage timetable WP1 – Project management (July 2009 – June 2012) WP2 – Geological data specification and sourcing (July 2009 – October 2009) WP3-7 Data layers (development July 2009 – July 2010; testing/monitoring August December 2010; upgrade January June 2011) WP8 Integration with OneGeologyEurope (development October 2009 – September 2010; upgrade September 2010 – June 2011; maintenance July 2011 – June 2012) WP9 Dissemination (1-36) WP10 Liaision with EMODNET lots and other related groups/projects (1-36) WP11 Project analysis and sustainability (33-36) ur-EMODNET meeting, Brussels, Belgium 29 November 2010

Project timetable November 2010 – December 2010 Add further data layers to OneGeology-Europe portal Meeting January 2011 in Berlin ur-EMODNET meeting, Brussels, Belgium 29 November 2010

Dissemination Presentations at Baltic Sea Congress 2010 in St Petersburg. September Presentations at ‘Geoscience 2010’ Conference in Dublin, Ireland. November ur-EMODNET meeting, Brussels, Belgium 29 November 2010