Emily Szmidt September 20, 2007 CIS
Founded in 1971 Based in Union, New Jersey Has a chain of 815 operating retail stores Emily Szmidt CIS
Bath Items Bed Linens Home Furnishings Infant & Toddler Merchandise Seasonal & Holiday Products Emily Szmidt CIS Bed Bath & Beyond sells a range of domestic merchandise : Cool Stuff!!
Wal-Mart Stores Inc. Sears Holdings Corp. Best Buy Co. Inc. Target Corp. Emily Szmidt CIS $$$$$$
$6,617.4 million Sales in 2007 35,000 Employees in 2007 Employee Growth Rate of 6.1% Emily Szmidt CIS
Warren Eisenberg Co- Founder & Co- Chairman Steven H. Temares Chief Exec. Officer Arthur Stark Pres. & Chief Merchandising Officer Eugene A. Castagna Chief Financial Officer, Principal Accounting Officer and Treasurer Leonard Feinstein Co- Founder & Co- Chairman Emily Szmidt CIS
Shop Online Gift or Bridal Registry Available Shopping for College made easy Store Locator to find the store nearest you Thank you for watching our presentation Emily Szmidt CIS