Plant Reproduction
the transfer of genetic material from parent to offspring 2 types = sexual or asexual Reproduction
involves male and female cells coming together to create a new offspring fertilization - the joining of a male sperm cell and female egg cell to create one new cell Sexual Reproduction
The offspring will have traits of both parents and look different from the parent Promotes variety in a species. Sexual Reproduction continued...
the offspring is created from a single parent organism offspring has EXACT same genetic material as parent offspring is identical to parent Asexual Reproduction
Splitting - parent organism splits into two new organisms, both have all of the genetic material necessary to carry out life processes. Asexual Reproduction continued...
Budding - a complete new organism grows off the parent organism, some break off, others remain attached Asexual Reproduction continued...
vegetative propagation - reproduction in plants that creates a new plant from leaves, roots or stems runners - plant stems that lie on or under the ground and sprout up as new plants Asexual Reproduction continued...