Rate Changes
Standard 7MG2.4 Relate the changes in measurement with a change of scale to the units used (e.g., square inches, cubic feet) and to conversions between units (1 square foot = 144 square inches or [1 ft 2 ] = 144 in 2 ], 1 cubic inch is approximately cubic centimeters or [1 in 3 ] = [16.38 cm 3 ]).
Use Your Prior Knowledge You will need this skill from your math memory tool chest for today’s lesson. Remember this? 12 2 How about this? 5353 = 12 12 = 144 = 5 5 5 = 125
Use Your Prior Knowledge 12 2 = 12 12 = 144 When converting from a larger unit to a smaller one MULTIPLY. When converting from a smaller unit to a larger one DIVIDE. Or And Combine This
Always use your prior knowledge. There’s a reason we taught you what we have. Doing this will always make new things seem easier.
Complete the conversion. 5.8 m 2 = ___ cm 2 Convert Units of Area Answer: 58,000cm 2 The conversion factor is: 1 m = 100 cm 5.8 m 2 = __ cm 2 LargeSmallx 5.8 m 2 x (100 cm x 100 cm ) 100 x 100 is done 1 st to square the answer. 5.8 m 2 x 10,000 cm 2
Complete the conversion in 2 = ___ ft 2 Convert Units of Area Answer: 9 ft 2 The conversion factor is: 12 in = 1 ft 1296 in 2 = __ ft 2 SmallLarge ÷ 1296 in 2 ÷ (12 in x 12 in ) 12 x 12 is done 1 st in order to square the answer in 2 ÷ 144 in 2
Convert Units of Area AIR QUALITY Morgan is using an air purifier in a room that he estimates holds about 27 cubic yards of air. How many cubic feet of air will the purifier need to clear? Answer: 729 ft 3 The conversion factor is: 1 yd = 3 ft 27 yd 3 = __ ft 3 LargeSmall x 27 yd 3 x (3 ft x 3 ft x 3 ft ) 3 x 3 x 3 is done 1 st to cube the answer. 27 yd 3 x 27 ft 3
Answer: 0.43 in 3 Convert Units of Area Convert 7 cubic centimeters to cubic inches. The conversion factor is: 1 in = 2.54 cm 7 cm 3 = __ in 3 ÷ 7 cm 3 ÷ (2.54 cm x 2.54 cm x 2.54 cm ) 2.54 x 2.54 x 2.54 is done 1 st to cube the answer. 7 cm 3 ÷ in 3 SmallLarge
A.A B.B C.C D.D A.60 in 2 B.300 in 2 C.720 in 2 D.3,600 in 2 A.60 in 2 B.300 in 2 C.720 in 2 D.3,600 in 2 Complete the conversion. 5 ft 2 = in 2 Remember: Small to Large divide by the factor. Large to Small multiply by the factor.
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D A.0.09 m 2 B.9 m 2 C.90 m 2 D.900 m 2 A.0.09 m 2 B.9 m 2 C.90 m 2 D.900 m 2 Complete the conversion: 900 cm 2 = m 2 Remember: Small to Large divide by the factor. Large to Small multiply by the factor.
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D A.2.37 yd 3 B.7.11 yd 3 C.576 yd 3 D.1,728 yd 3 A.2.37 yd 3 B.7.11 yd 3 C.576 yd 3 D.1,728 yd 3 TOP SOIL Mr. Mitchell is hauling top soil in the bed of his pickup truck. How many cubic yards of top soil can he haul if the bed has a volume of 64 cubic feet? Remember: Small to Large divide by the factor. Large to Small multiply by the factor.
A.A B.B C.C D.D A.3.26 in 2 B.8.27 in 2 C in 2 D in 2 A.3.26 in 2 B.8.27 in 2 C in 2 D in 2 Convert 21 square centimeters to square inches. Remember: Small to Large divide by the factor. Large to Small multiply by the factor.