“Citizens Serving Communities” CARE IN THE TIME OF CRISIS When hurt hits home, the CAP Chaplain Service reaches out to our members
“Citizens Serving Communities” CAP volunteers respond in times of crisis and the Chaplains are there.
“Citizens Serving Communities” All kinds of Crisis
“Citizens Serving Communities”
Crisis are about people and their response to what has happened and what is happening.
“Citizens Serving Communities” CAP Volunteers reach out to help
“Citizens Serving Communities” The Civil Air Patrol Chaplain Service volunteers are prepared to serve “where ever and whenever”.
“Citizens Serving Communities” In times of crisis, the Chaplain represents the presence, power, mercy and compassion of the Divine.
Crisis demands may not be the best time or place for a formal worship service. Prayers, audible or silent, shared or personal may be the best thing for the time. The presence of the Chaplain is reassuring and appreciated.
“Citizens Serving Communities” The Chaplain provides moral, spiritual, and morale support to everyone.
“Citizens Serving Communities” The Chaplain provides the Commander or Mission Coordinator with information regarding the morale of those involved in dealing with the crisis.
“Citizens Serving Communities” Too tired Hungry Thirsty Distracted by other concerns: Home Home Work Work Professional responsibilities Professional responsibilities
“Citizens Serving Communities” The Chaplain listens.
“Citizens Serving Communities” Provides Pastoral Counseling Words of Encouragement Cautionary Advice Squelches Rumors Solves Small Problems
“Citizens Serving Communities” Get a cup of coffee Make sure everyone has water Share the cookies Fix sandwiches Deliver sandwiches Make sure no one is left out
Go where the people are: Operations OperationsCommunications Flight line Briefing/Debriefing R & R Area Parking lot
“Citizens Serving Communities” A word of caution regarding Chaplain counseling during a time of crisis: Counseling is short-term Counseling is short-term Solution focused. Solution focused.
“Citizens Serving Communities” No Mission Base--Just a Telephone
“Citizens Serving Communities” The nature of the crisis may require different responses and use of assets.
“Citizens Serving Communities” If the Mission Coordinator deploys limited resources by telephone or radio: Make sure the Chaplain is on the alert list. Make sure the Chaplain knows who is deployed.
“Citizens Serving Communities” Advise MC that the Chaplain is available during the crisis. The telephone line is open. Be Pastoral Offer support
“Citizens Serving Communities” Touch base with those who were deployed.
“Citizens Serving Communities” QUESTIONSORCOMMENTS