National January 2009 McLaughlin & Associates 1 Methodology: This poll of 1,000 likely general election voters in the United States was conducted between January 14-15, All interviews were conducted via telephone by professional interviewers. Interview selection was random within predetermined election units – in this case, the fifty states. These units were structured to correlate with actual voter turnout in a general election. This poll of 1,000 likely general election voters has an accuracy of +/- 3.1% at a 95% confidence interval.
National January 2009 McLaughlin & Associates The Majority of Voters Approve of the Alternative Republican Proposals Tested for the Economic Stimulus plan, Particularly Tax Cuts: * 86% approve of putting the entire economic stimulus package online. * 82% approve of giving small businesses that employ less than 500 people a 10% federal tax cut to help small businesses retain and create new jobs. * 70% approve of cutting corporate tax rates to create jobs. * 67% approve of eliminating federal income taxes on unemployment benefits. * 67% approve of cutting income taxes for all people who pay income taxes by an average of $500 per family. *61% approve of a $7,500 tax credit for a new home purchase as long as the buyer puts 5% down. *61% approve of requiring a guarantee that there will be no tax increases down the road as a result of temporarily increasing government spending. Major Findings
National January 2009 McLaughlin & Associates 3 Which do you believe is the best way to stimulate the economy and create jobs? Cut taxes for businesses and individuals to create jobs. OR, Increase federal government spending for government programs to create jobs. TaxesSpending East6030 Mid-West5631 South6627 West5736 Generic Vote Cong. Rep.7717 Generic Vote Cong. Dem.4645 Generic Vote Cong. Und.6522 Voted McCain Voted Obama Did not Vote Republican7518 Democrat5140 Independent6130 Approve Obama’s Econ plan5140 Disapprove Obama’s Econ plan849 Liberal4845 Moderate5533 Conservative7320 Ticketsplitter6427 Income: Under $60, Income: Over $60, White6328 Black5640 Hispanic5536 Under Over Men 6230 Women 5930
National January 2009 McLaughlin & Associates 4 President-elect Obama says that the United States may have a deficit of over a trillion dollars for several years. In your opinion which is better for the economy? Increasing government spending making the deficit over a trillion dollars a year for several years. OR, Holding the line on federal government spending to cut the federal deficit IncreaseHold Line East3159 Mid-West2763 South2470 West3456 Generic Vote Cong. Rep.1877 Generic Vote Cong. Dem.4346 Generic Vote Cong. Und.1674 Voted McCain Voted Obama Did not Vote Republican1878 Democrat3853 Independent2663 Approve Obama’s Econ plan3754 Disapprove Obama’s Econ plan1086 Liberal3754 Moderate3258 Conservative2073 Ticketsplitter2171 Income: Under $60, Income: Over $60, White2765 Black3360 Hispanic2659 Under Over Men 2965 Women 2862
National January 2009 McLaughlin & Associates 5 From what you have heard or read, do you approve or disapprove of President-elect Barack Obama’s Economic Recovery Plan? ApproveDisapprove East6620 Mid-West6716 South6422 West6119 Generic Vote Cong. Rep.3745 Generic Vote Cong. Dem.894 Generic Vote Cong. Und.5914 Voted McCain Voted Obama Did not Vote Republican3841 Democrat884 Independent6117 Approve Obama’s Econ plan1000 Disapprove Obama’s Econ plan0100 Liberal828 Moderate7413 Conservative4733 Ticketsplitter6317 Income: Under $60, Income: Over $60, White5923 Black894 Hispanic829 Under Over Men 6023 Women 6816
National January 2009 McLaughlin & Associates 6 President-elect Obama and the Democrats are proposing a one trillion dollar stimulus package which they say will save or create 4 million jobs. That works out to over $250,000 per job, but these government jobs will not average $250,000 they will really average about $45,000 to $50,000 per job. Knowing this, would you agree or disagree with the following statement “This stimulus package is seriously flawed; the federal government should not spend $250,000 per job to create a 45,000 to $50,000 job.” AgreeDisagree East5826 Mid-West5030 South5529 West5630 Generic Vote Cong. Rep.6924 Generic Vote Cong. Dem.4831 Generic Vote Cong. Und.4833 Voted McCain Voted Obama Did not Vote Republican6326 Democrat5030 Independent5333 Approve Obama’s Econ plan5131 Disapprove Obama’s Econ plan6824 Liberal4634 Moderate5130 Conservative6226 Ticketsplitter5334 Income: Under $60, Income: Over $60, White5628 Black3932 Hispanic5830 Under Over Men 5733 Women 5325
National January 2009 McLaughlin & Associates 7 Also President-elect Obama wants to send checks of $1,000 or $500 to people who pay no federal income taxes as a –quote- “refundable tax credit”- end quote-. Do you think that is fair or unfair to give refund checks to people who do not pay federal income taxes? FairUnfair East1872 Mid-West2070 South1873 West2465 Generic Vote Cong. Rep.1383 Generic Vote Cong. Dem.3157 Generic Vote Cong. Und.1177 Voted McCain Voted Obama Did not Vote Republican1182 Democrat2959 Independent1776 Approve Obama’s Econ plan2663 Disapprove Obama’s Econ plan888 Liberal2958 Moderate2171 Conservative1479 Ticketsplitter1578 Income: Under $60, Income: Over $60, White1774 Black3252 Hispanic2367 Under Over Men 1874 Women 2268
APPROVE/DISAPPROVE TOTALGOPDEMIND.MenWomen A proposal to put the entire economic stimulus package online so everyone in the country would know what is in the bill. 86/884/1189/686/887/885/8 A proposal to give every small business that employs less than 500 people a 10% federal tax cut to help small businesses retain and create new jobs. 82/1282/1385/980/1582/1483/10 Currently, the federal government taxes unemployment benefits, there is a proposal that would eliminate federal income taxes on unemployment benefits 67/2364/2674/1861/2967/2468/22 A proposal to cut income taxes for all people who pay income taxes by an average of $500 per family. This proposal would cut taxes for about 105 million people. 67/2466/2670/2163/2766/2768/21 President-elect Obama wants to “temporarily” ramp up spending to stimulate the economy. There is a proposal requiring that this legislation must include a guarantee that there will be no tax increases down the road because of the increase in federal spending. 61/2652/3370/1857/3261/2860/24 A $7,500 tax credit for new home purchases as long as the buyer puts 5% down. 61/2857/3368/2259/3161/2962/26 There are other proposals for the Economic Stimulus plan, would you tell me whether you approve or disapprove of each?
National January 2009 McLaughlin & Associates Creating jobs through tax cuts is very popular. 2. Voters want the Congress to hold the line on deficit spending. 3. The small business tax cut is a winner. Conclusions