Make Your Own Video Portfolio or Video Resume It’s Easier Than You Think
Start With Pictures of Yourself With family and friends Showing you doing the things you love to do
Or With Movies or Videos You can use a short video to introduce yourself
Or a Video to Show You Performing a Task People can look at you doing something you could do for work
Add Some Interesting Facts About Yourself What you want to do for work Any past work experience Any hobbies you have Anything you are interested in or like to do What you and your family like to do together
Joe West Strengths: Learns things quickly when shown Understands the value of work and money Likes to work outside Abilities: Can plant and care for flowers and trees Able to schedule and carry out some tasks, interdependently
Joe West Past Experiences: Plant and care for flowers for local garden center Worked part-time for parks department during summer
Putting It All Together You and your family and friends can use a computer program like Windows Movie Maker to make your video First, select the pictures and videos that you want to show and put them on the “video” line
Add Your Voice Click the red button on the “voice” line under the picture you want to talk about You will be recorded until you click the button again Make sure that what you recorded is right under the picture
Now to Finish Your Video When you have everything the way that you want to see it: Click on “make movie” and just follow any instructions