Stowmarket High School 16+ Choices Evening Approachable, Encouraging, Engaging, Friendly and Safe
Where could you go? Sixth Form College Employment with Training The first two are supported by a Bursary Approachable, Encouraging, Engaging, Friendly and Safe
Qualifications Level 1Equivalent to D – G at GCSE Level 2Equivalent to A* - C at GCSE Level 3Equivalent to A levels Approachable, Encouraging, Engaging, Friendly and Safe
Entry Requirements Level 1E – G at GCSE Level 24 D grades at GCSE Level 3 College 4 or 5 A*- C grades at GCSE. Some courses require at least a C in English, Maths and Science Sixth Form 5A* - C grades at GCSE with a B grade in the subjects to be studied at A level
Go 4 Schools Approachable, Encouraging, Engaging, Friendly and Safe
Go 4 Schools Approachable, Encouraging, Engaging, Friendly and Safe
Go 4 Schools Monitor assessment data Monitor behaviour Monitor attendance Reports will be online Approachable, Encouraging, Engaging, Friendly and Safe
Think Ahead! Be prepared! September – October16+ interviews October – MarchCollege Applications 11 th OctoberEffort Check 12 th NovemberSixth Form Evening 10 th DecemberParents’ Evening 9 th – 24th JanuaryMocks 24 th February 16+ Interviews 21 st MarchFull report 12 th MayExams begin Approachable, Encouraging, Engaging, Friendly and Safe
Help and Advice Teachers Parents Students Careers Resource Centre Website College open Days Youth Support Service Approachable, Encouraging, Engaging, Friendly and Safe
Summary Research options carefully Be realistic about GCSE grades and if necessary apply to more than one establishment Get college applications in before Christmas If you are unsure ask for help and advice Approachable, Encouraging, Engaging, Friendly and Safe