What is Prehistory? Period of time before people invented writing All things older than 5,000 years ago
Studying History Historians – study and write about the historical past. Artifacts Primary Sources Secondary Sources Identify Bias
Primary & Secondary Documents and Artifacts Primary documents original works in various media formats. photographs, drawings, letters, diaries, documents, books, films, posters, play scripts, speeches, songs, sheet music, and first- person accounts that are recorded at the time of an event. Secondary Documents source created by someone either not present when the event took place or removed by time from the event. Relates to or discusses information originally presented elsewhere Examples of secondary sources include textbooks, journal articles, histories, and encyclopedias. Artifacts Objects made by humans Clothing, coins, artwork, and toombstones
Primary Source vs. Secondary Source PrimarySecondary Original artworkCritique of the artwork Slave diaryBook about underground railroad PoemBook critique of the poem Video tape of a performance Biography about a person
Primary or Secondary World History text book? Recorded speech of President Kennedy? Web site about the assassination of Kennedy? Pictures of hieroglyphics? Book about translating hieroglyphics? Diary of WWI soldier? Book about WWI?
Using Artifacts “Mindwalk Activity” List as many activities as you can remember participating in during the past 24 hours. For each activity on your list write down what evidence might have been left behind. What would a future historian be able to tell about your life and your society based on your daily activities preserved for the future?
Who Else Studies History? Anthropologist: Ancient cultures and civilizations Archaeologist: Study past people based on their material remains. Paleontologist: Specialize in the study of fossils
Who Else Studies History? YOU DO!!!
Division of Time 1. Explain what these abbreviations mean: B.C. A.D. B.C.E. C.E. 2. Use the following four dates to create a timeline: 1776 A.D A.D. 800 B.C. 509 B.C.
Division of Time 1. Explain what these abbreviations mean: B.C. Before Christ A.D. Anno Domini B.C.E. Before Common Era C.E. Common Era 2. Use the following four dates to create a timeline: 509 B.C. 800 B.C A.D A.D.
Time Line B.C. and B.C.E. A.D. and C.E B.C.500 B.C.500 A.D.1000 A.D. Write Down the Year your born in the middle of a timeline. Write three events that happened before you were born to the left, but do not put the date but how many years it was before you were born. Put three dates to the right of your birth date and put down the year it occurred after you were born.
B.C. or A.D.? That is the Question 3000 B.C.E. Egypt Unites 2000 B.C.E. Development of Chinese Writing 44 B.C.E. Julius Caesar is killed 1215 C.E. English Magna Carta signed 1776 C..E. U.S. Declaration of Independence 27 B.C.E. Octavian becomes ruler of Rome
Timeline Creation 1100 C.E. 800 B.C.E A.D A.D C.E. 776 B.C. 476 C.E B.C.E
Turning Point The Neolithic Revolution
Beginnings of Civilization ELO: I can explain how the world’s first civilization began and developed?
Neolithic Era leads to first civilizations Civilization – Highly complex organized social order Where? Rivers: water supply, fertility of land, and animals are drawn in
Neolithic Era leads to first civilizations Civilization – Highly complex organized social order Where? Rivers: water supply, fertility of land, and animals are drawn in Surpluses were established Modern economies and cities were created. Traditional, Mixed, Market, and Command Socialism, Communism, Capitalism, Barter
Match the River with the appropriate civilization a.Egypt b.India c.Shang d.Sumer 1.Yellow 2.Tigris and Euphrates 3.Nile 4.Indus
Why and how civilizations develop Neolithic people learn to farmHunters and gatherers settle into communities Some farmers settle in river valleys, soil is very fertile Food surpluses created producing larger population First cities are built Complex forms of government created Arts more elaborate Job specialization and social classes Writing inventedEarly civilizations conquer neighboring lands