A Divided Kingdom: The Books of I & II Kings Introduction 05 Sep 12
Topics for Today Lesson Plan Today’s Objectives Overview of I and II Kings –Authorship –Key topics –Purpose of the text Regional Overview Chronology
I Kings WeekDateTopic 105 Sep 12Introduction 212 Sep 12Fight For the Kingdom: I Ki Sep 12Solomon Begins His Reign: I Ki Sep 12Solomon Builds The Temple: I Ki Oct 12Splendor of Solomon’s Kingdom: I Ki Oct 12Solomon’s Demise: I Ki Oct 12Division of the Kingdom: I Ki: Oct 12Early History of the Kingdoms, Pt 1: I Ki 12:25-16: Oct 12Early History of the Kingdoms, Pt 2: I Ki 12:25-16: Nov 12Stories of Elijah: I Ki 17:1-19: Nov 12War with Syria: I Ki 20: Nov 12More Stories of Elijah: I Ki 21:1-21: Nov 12Ahab’s Final Battle: I Ki 22:1-53
Today’s Objectives Provide historical background and timeline for the books of I and II Kings Study the socio-economic factors during the period Review historical maps of Israel and the region Study the historical timeline of the bible and I and II Kings place in biblical history Consider the importance of I and II Kings in Old Testament history and its impact upon the New Testament Develop a deeper understanding of our Christian roots
Overview of I and II Kings Originally one book –Early Greek manuscripts of the OT combined the books of Samuel and Kings under the title of "kingdoms," or "reigns" –Kings was broken into two books for convenience sake because of its length (Greek translation) Authorship –Some portions of the book identical to the book of Jeremiah –Jeremiah would have personal knowledge of some contents –Evidence that Ezra was the author after the Babylonian captivity Timeline –Approximately 400 years, written between 560 B.C. and 538 B.C. –Start: Death of David in 971 B.C. –End: Jehoiachin's release from a Babylonian prison in 562 B.C.
Overview of I and II Kings Books of Samuel and Kings cover Israel's period as a nation under a king: –I Samuel: Life of Saul –II Samuel: Life of David –I Kings: Solomon and the divided kingdom –II Kings: The fall of the divided kingdoms of Israel and Judah Content of I and II Kings –47 chapters (I Ki – 22 chapters, II Ki – 25 chapters) –History of the Jewish commonwealth –Death of David to subjugation to Babylonians
Purpose –Imparting of great moral lessons backed up by well- known illustrations –Religious history –Focused upon kings rather than prophets Key Lesson –God does not fail His people; His people, led by their kings, have failed God –God’s covenant has the contingency of Israel’s faithfulness –Covenant also promises a return from exile those that return to God Overview of I and II Kings
Prehistory Exact Dates Uncertain Creation The Flood The Tower of Babel The Fall of Man
The Patriarchal Period 2166 B.C. Patriarchal Period Begins Birth of Abram 2091 B.C. Call of Abram Arrival in Canaan 2067 B.C. Dealings with Nephew, Lot Sodom & Gomorrah 2081 B.C. Marriage to Hagar 2080 B.C. Birth of Ishmael 2066 B.C. Birth of Isaac Date Uncertain Testing of Abraham 2026 B.C. Isaac’s Marriage to Rebekah 2029 B.C. Death of Sarah 1991 B.C. Death of Abraham 2006 B.C. Birth of Jacob & Esau 1930 B.C. Jacob’s Journey from the Promised Land 1910 B.C. Jacob’s Return to the Promised Land = Jacob’s Stay in Haran, Marriages, and Childbirths
End of Patriarchal Period & Beginning of Egyptian Sojourn 1899 B.C. Joseph Sold as Slave = Joseph's Separation from his Family 1889 B.C. Joseph Imprisoned 1886 B.C. Joseph Released & Made Official Death of Isaac 1879 B.C. Beginning of Famine 1878 B.C. Brothers First Journey to Egypt 1877 B.C. Brothers Second Journey to Egypt 1876 B.C. Israel's Move to Egypt Egyptian Sojourn Begins 1859 B.C. Death of Jacob 1806 B.C. Patriarchal Period Ends Death of Joseph = Egyptian Sojourn 430 Years 1526 B.C. Moses is Born
The Exodus, Conquest of the Promised Land & Early Judges 1526 B.C. Moses is Born, Taken from Nile 1446 B.C. Return of Moses & Exodus 1486 B.C. Moses Flees Egypt = Egyptian Sojourn 430 Years B.C. Sinaitic Covenant Desert Wanderings B.C. Joshua’s Conquest & Occupation 1406 B.C. Death of Moses B.C. Othniel‘s Judgeship B.C. Ehud’s Judgeship 1230 B.C. Shamgar‘s Judgeship B.C. Deborah‘s Judgeship B.C. Gideon‘s Judgeship B.C. Abimelech’s Pagan Kingdom B.C. Minor Judges
Late Judges and United Monarchy 1106 B.C. Jephthah’s Judgeship B.C. Samson’s Judgeship Uncertain Dates During the Time of Judges The Bethlehem Trilogy B.C. Minor Judges 1084 B.C. Samuel’s Judgeship B.C. Saul’s Reign 1011 B.C. Death of Saul David’s Reign Begins Over Judah B.C B.C. David’s Reign 1004 B.C. Reign over Israel Begins Jerusalem Conquered B.C. David’s Exile from Saul 992 B.C. Adultery with Bathsheba 991 B.C. Birth of Solomon B.C. Coregency 971 B.C. Death of David Solomon’s Coronation 931 B.C. Death of Solomon Kingdom Divides B.C. Building of the Temple B.C. Solomon's Reign
Divided Monarchy – Israel's Timeline B.C. Ahaziah B.C. Jeroboam B.C. Jehoash B.C. Jehu B.C. Jehoahaz 753 B.C. Zechariah B.C. Jeroboam II Overlapping Dates Suggest Coregencies B.C. Joram B.C. Ahab B.C. Omri 885 B.C. Zimri B.C. Elah B.C. Baasha B.C. Asa B.C. Rehoboam B.C. Abijah B.C. Nadab B.C. Uzziah B.C. Jehoshaphat B.C. Jehoram 841 B.C. Ahaziah B.C. Athaliah B.C B.C. Joash B.C. Amaziah
Divided Monarchy – Israel's Timeline Overlapping Dates Suggest Coregencies B.C. Menahem, B.C. Pekah B.C. Pekahiah B.C. Hoshea 752 B.C. Shallum B.C. Hezekiah B.C. Manasseh B.C. Amon B.C. Josiah 609 B.C. Jehoahaz B.C. Jehoiakim B.C. Jehoiachin B.C. Zedekiah B.C. Jotham B.C. Ahaz 722 B.C. Fall of Israel The Northern Kingdom 586 B.C. Fall of Judah The Southern Kingdom
Returns and Restoration 538 B.C. Cyrus Liberates the Israelites. Birth of Christ New Testament Begins 539 B.C. Fall of Babylon 425 B.C. – 5 A.D. Silent Transitional Period Approximately 425 B.C. End of Old Testament Israel 515 B.C. Completion of New Temple 536 B.C. Foundations Laid for New Temple Around 474 B.C. Time of Esther 458 B.C. Ezra’s Pilgrimage 458 B.C. Nehemiah’s Pilgrimage B.C. Construction of New Temple
Key Events in I Samuel God calls Samuel to prophetic service (I Sam 3:1-4:1) Elders of Israel approach Samuel and request a King, Saul chosen (I Sam 8:1-9, 11:12-14) God Rejects Saul as king of Israel (I Sam 15:10-23) Samuel Anoints David (I Sam 16:8-13) Saul is Jealous of David (I Sam 18:1-9) Saul confirms his hatred of David (I Sam 20:24- 34) Saul takes his own life (I Sam 31:1-13)
David is anointed king over Israel (II Sam 5:1- 5) God makes a covenant with David (II Sam 7:8- 17) David moral failure (II Sam 11:1-5, 14-27) Absalom plots against David, David flees Jerusalem (II Sam 15:1-23) David returns to Jerusalem (II Sam 19:8-15) Key Events in II Samuel
Review Provide historical background and timeline for the books of I and II Kings Study the socio-economic factors during the period Review historical maps of Israel and the region Study the historical timeline of the bible and I and II Kings place in biblical history Consider the importance of I and II Kings in OT history and its impact upon the NT Develop a deeper understanding of our Christian roots Next Week – 1 st Kings Chapter 1 and 2