Your Life Line
Your Life Line
Your Life Line
Average Yearly Salary *
Average Monthly Salary No High School vs. Bachelor’s *
2011 Highest Paying Jobs Surgeon - $219,770 Anesthesiologist - $211,750 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon - $210,000 Internist - $183,990 Doctors - $173,860 CEO - $167,280 Psychiatrist - $163,660
Your Education Line Bachelor’sMaster’sDoctorate The rest of your life!
Top 24 Occupations by Earnings 1Physicians13Petroleum Engineers 2Airplane pilots/Navigators14Law Teachers 3Medical Science Teachers15Pharmacists 4Judges16Aerospace Engineers 5Optometrists17Dentists 6Lawyers18Managers/Administrators 7Marketing/Advertising/PR Managers19Physicists and Astronomers 8Chief Executives/Administrators20Electrical and Electronic Engineers 9Economics Teachers21Chemical Engineers 10Securities/Financial22Financial Managers 11Announcers23Sales Engineers 12Engineering Teachers24Physics Teachers
Top Career Categories Advanced Education Leadership Sales Health/Medical Science/Engineering Entrepreneurship Internet/IT/Computer Programming
Love Learning School/Permanent Student Read Books Online/Evening Classes YouTube Apprenticeships/Internships Science/Engineering
Financial/EconomicGrants, Loans, Financial Aid, Scholarships FamilyMentors, Counseling, FriendsSelf-Evaluation, Social Organizations EmotionalCounseling AcademicTutoring, Junior College, Trade School InformationalInternet, College Site Visits, Alumni Interviews Overcome Challenges
Doing What You Love DanceMusic TheatreSports Automotive/MotorcyclesArt Hair/MakeupConstruction/Carpentry ComputersAnimals Writing/PoetryCooking/Baking Gardening/FarmingPolitics Helping People/Philanthropy
You Have Power! "There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path."