Hunter Flynn, Trevor Janoskie, Daniel Jenkins, and Sam Kuhn
Early Sumerian maps.
Located on the Euphrates river Mostly rely on trade and agriculture Speak Sumerian Invented cuneiform Invented plow, wheel, and sail
Polythiestic - believed in many gods 3 main gods- Enki, Inanna and Enlil
RRuled by a priest king and high priests 33 groups of citizens WWomen were not equal to men
Lived from B.C He took a little city and turned it into a vast empire Code of Hammurabi ◦ 282 laws
3000 B.C- Civilized culture develops 2230 B.C- Akkadian Dynasty ends
2130 B.C- Sumer regains independence from Akkadian rule
1300 B.C- Assyrians control all of Mesopotamia
11000 B.C- Fall of the empire
Map of the Empire.
World History Book