Prospects for standardising SSH data collection Strategic Workshop: Addressing the Shortage of Data on the Social Sciences and Humanities Strasbourg, France September 2010
Outline Methodology Metadata Prospects
What does the FM tell us? SSH covered by including in the definition of R&D “knowledge of man, culture and society” Resolution of scientific/technological uncertainty a useful criterion for defining the boundary between R&D and related (routine) scientific activities However, the tools developed for identifying R&D in traditional fields and industries not always easy to apply to SSH and services Some examples which are and which are not R&D Including a table from the UNESCO 1984 Manual
What does the UIS Technical Guide tell us? SSH research tends to be under-reported Sometimes even specifically excluded from business sector surveys and tax incentives Situation is untenable: Growing importance of the services sector Technology transfer and community development depends on understanding human behaviour Development research, research on sustainable development and mitigation of climate change all rely on social innovation
Field of science revision 2007 To deal with emerging technology fields such as ICT, biotechnology and nanotechnology Introduced a 2-digit level
Fields of Science (FoS 2007) 1. Natural Sciences 1.1 Mathematics 1.2 Computer and information sciences 1.3 Physical sciences 1.4 Chemical sciences 1.5 Earth and related environmental sc. 1.6 Biological sciences 1.7 Other natural sciences 2. Engineering and Technology 2.1 Civil engineering 2.2 Electrical, electronic, information eng. 2.3 Mechanical engineering 2.4 Chemical engineering 2.5 Materials engineering 2.6 Medical engineering 2.7 Environmental engineering 2.8 Environmental Biotechnology 2.9Industrial biotechnology 2.10 Nano-technology 2.11 Other engineering and tech. 3. Medical and Health Sciences 3.1 Basic medicine 3.2 Clinical medicine 3.3 Health sciences 3.4Health biotechnology 3.5 Other medical sciences 4. Agricultural Sciences 4.1 Agriculture, forestry, and fishery 4.2 Animal and dairy science 4.3 Veterinary sciences 4.4Agricultural biotechnology 4.5 Other agricultural sciences 5. Social Sciences 5.1 Psychology 5.2 Economics and business 5.3 Educational sciences 5.4 Sociology 5.5 Law 5.6 Political Science 5.7 Social and economic geography 5.8 Media and communications 5.9 Other social sciences 6. Humanities 6.1 History and archaeology 6.2 Languages and literature 6.3 Philosophy, ethics and religion 6.4 Art 6.5 Other humanities
What do the OECD metadata tell us? Australia Since 1995, R&D data for SSH is separately available at the total sector level. Earlier studies have shown that over 95% of R&D in the Business enterprise sector would be NSE. Therefore, prior to 1995, all BES have been classified as NSE. Austria Business Enterprise sector - FoS coverage (3) “Company R&D sub-sector” (private and public enterprises): A breakdown by fields of science is not available. ”Institutes sub-sector” (co- operative and other research institutes): NSE and SSH are covered and are separately available. Canada Business Enterprise sector - FoS coverage (3) NSE only.
What do the OECD metadata tell us? Denmark Business Enterprise sector - FoS coverage (3) Data is for the NSE+SSH aggregate. Data is not collected according to field of science. Prior to 1996 it was assumed that all BERD could be categorised within the NSE due to the large percentage of BERD within the manufacturing industries. As the amount of R&D conducted within the service sector has been increasing it can no longer be assumed that all BERD should be categorised within the NSE fields of science Government sector - FoS coverage – same for HE and PNP All data are available by field of science. R&D data within the Social Sciences are collected without "Psychology" and "Educational Sciences". Both are included in Humanities. Finland Business Enterprise sector - FoS coverage (3) Includes both NSE and SSH but breakdown by field of science is not available. France 2.4 Field of Science (FoS) coverage - General (2) Data are based on the NSE + SSH aggregate (not available separately) for all sectors.
What do the OECD metadata tell us? Germany Government sector - FoS coverage same for HE NSE and SSH data are separately available. Humanities generally include educational sciences, linguistics, psychology. Greece Business Enterprise sector - FoS coverage (3) Data for the NSE+SSH aggregate, but R&D activities are not classified according to FOS. Ireland Business Enterprise sector - FoS coverage (3) Data for NSE and SSH separately, though SSH is considered negligible in the business enterprise sector and since 1984 has been reported as zero. Israel Business Enterprise sector - FoS coverage (3) Only sub-totals NSE and SSH are available for the business enterprise sector. Italy Data are available for the NSE+SSH aggregate. Up through 1994, data are available separately for NSE and SSH for R&D expenditure and up to 1969 for R&D personnel.
What do the OECD metadata tell us? Korea 2.4 Field of Science (FoS) coverage - General (2) Beginning 2007: NSE and SSH. Prior to 2007, NSE only. Social sciences and humanities are excluded from the R&D data. Luxembourg Business Enterprise sector - FoS coverage (3) NSE (Natural sciences and engineering) + SSH (Social sciences and humanities). The business survey does not make distinctions between fields of science. Netherlands Business Enterprise sector - FoS coverage (3) The survey for firms covers R&D in the Natural sciences and engineering (NSE) only. The data for Social sciences and humanities (SSH) are for institutes serving enterprises only. New Zealand Business Enterprise sector - FoS coverage (3) NSE only.
What do the OECD metadata tell us? Norway Data cover NSE and SSH, though for the business enterprise sector, SSH reported is for the institutes serving industry, not the enterprises themselves. Singapore 2.4 Field of Science (FoS) coverage - General (2) Because of A*STAR’s primary focus on NSE, the Social Sciences and Humanities are not included in the survey form. The survey form guidelines has specifically excluded SSH. Turkey Business Enterprise sector - FoS coverage (3) The survey does not cover R&D in the Social Sciences and Humanities; this may lead to some degree of underestimation of the R&D in the services. United Kingdom 2.4 Field of Science (FoS) coverage - General (2) Data collection in the United Kingdom originally concentrated on R&D expenditures in the natural sciences and engineering. Data for R&D personnel and in the social sciences and humanities are more recent. Data is incomplete, however, as no classification is made by field of science in the higher education sector Business Enterprise sector - FoS coverage (3) Data are entirely credited to the natural sciences and engineering. Social sciences and humanities are assumed to be nil.
What do the OECD metadata tell us? United States 2.4 Field of Science (FoS) coverage - General (2) Throughout, humanities are excluded. Except for HERD, separate national totals are not available for NSE and SS Business Enterprise sector - FoS coverage (3) Data are collected for NSE only, and credited to NSE and the NSE+SSH aggregate Government sector - FoS coverage Data are collected for NSE and SS, and credited to the NSE+SSH aggregate Higher Education sector - FoS coverage Data by field of science in the higher education sector are based on academic fiscal year. SSH includes social sciences and psychology.
What do the UIS metadata tell us? Nothing (at least for developing countries) Not the first measurement priority for developing countries Metadata not conscientiously filled in
What can we do? Collect more and better metadata Stress the importance of SSH data When developing methodological guidelines When talking to countries or helping countries Develop more guidance and examples on SSH In particular in OECD countries? Role for NESTI?
Thank you!