TITLE DATE Discover Sailing Club Implementation Plan 2013 Part 10. Measuring Results, the Future Plan & Summary November 2013
Implementation Plan 2013 You should now be hearing sound – if not check your audio and ensure you are in slideshow (full-screen) mode This is Ross Kilborn, Sport Development Director at Yachting Australia This presentation is the final of 11 in the Discover Sailing Club Implementation Plan
The Monthly Topics Feb(1)Program Introduction & Purpose (2)Planning & Prioritising MarThe gemba Report AprilTackers Sailability MayDiscover Sailing Days Discover Sailing Hosts JuneDiscover Sailing Experiences & Courses JulySafety, Risk Management & Membership Protection AugThe Sailing Pathway SeptClub Promotion OctCrewing NovMeasuring Results DecSummary & Future Plan
Measuring Results Set targets for current year and 3 and 5 years Australian Sports Commission suggested framework 1.Club Membership Retention & Attrition By age & gender 2.Participation - no of people in Discover Sailing Days, Experiences, Courses, Tackers, Sailability, etc 3.Events – no of entrants in regular races & major regattas 4.Schools – number of school and schools programs & participants 5.Capacity – no of Instructors, Coaches and Race Officials (Plus No of Safety Incidents)
Yachting Australia’s Future Plan Receive feedback from Clubs via State Associations Assess the level of Implementation & success at Clubs Assess the level of satisfaction at Clubs with what has been provided – a survey in early 2014 ? Continuous Improvement
The End - the ten elements 1.Discover Sailing Purpose and Overview - linklink b) - Planning and Prioritising participation - linklink 2.The gemba report – market research and insights to help grow sailing - linklink 3.Tackers – getting more kids into sailing - link and Sailability for including people of all abilities - linklink 4.Discover Sailing Days and Discover Sailing Hosts - linklink 5.Discover Sailing Experiences and Courses - linklink 6.The Importance of Safety and Risk Management to Participation - linklink 7.The Sailing Pathway - linklink 8.Promoting your Club - linklink 9.Crewing - linklink 10.Summary and Measuring your results and the future - linklink –Summary - Case Study - Sandringham Yacht Club - linklink –Measuring results –The future
Summary Discover Sailing is a long term strategic program for clubs to build participation in sailing Based on detailed research and professional expertise funded by Australian Sports Commission Ten elements explained & resources provided for clubs in monthly chapters released during 2013 Let’s look at the success of one club that has implemented it. Click herehere