For expenditures to be reflected in the FY2012 budget, the goods or services ordered must be received on campus on or before April 30, All documents received by the May 10, 2012 cut off time will be included on the April 2012 General Ledgers
February 29, 2012Closing Memo March 5, 2012Open PO letter to Depts. April 13, 2012Last day to submit reqs. Last day to order W B Mason * Last day to use P-Card* April 30, 2012End of the Fiscal Year April 30, 2012All Accruals submitted to Accounts Payable May 1, 2012First Day to enter FY2012 requisitions *NOTE: If you use your P-Card or order from WB Mason after the 13 th, we cannot guarantee which year the charges will be processed
May 10, 2012AP Documents are Due Disbursement Request Travel Expense Forms Petty Cash Invoices May 10, 2012JE Corrections Due Cash Receipts Due at Cashier’s FY Gifts to Development
May 14, 2012First Closing May 21, 2012Second Closing
Accrued Expenses are obligations to pay for goods and services That have been received or supplied but not yet invoiced to the University. A typical example would be professional services Which are not billed until the following month but can be readily estimated. Our purpose is to accurately reflect in the University’s financial statements All expenses applicable to the fiscal year. Accrued Expenses requests including documentation must be submitted By May 10, 2012 to: General Budgeted Accounts – Cheryl Chappin -#2852 Sponsored Programs – Jesus Adame - #8873 Construction Contracts – Ralph Castiglione - #1116
TYPEAPPLICABILITY Accrued Expenses Goods or services received or provided to American University in FY2012 for which an invoice will not be received until after April 30, All such invoices must bear a valid American University Purchase Order Number. Accrued Income Goods or services provided by American University in FY2012 for which payment will not be received until FY2013. If actual billings will not occur until after closing, make a reasonable estimate. Accrued income requests must be submitted with documentation by May 10, 2012 to Claudia Lazo, Senior Staff Accountant Deferred Expenses Goods or services paid in FY2012 that relates to FY2013. Examples include prepaid rent and insurance. Deferred Expense requests must be submitted with documentation by May 10, 2012 to Claudia Lazo, Senior Staff Accountant Deferred RevenueIncome received in FY2012 that relates to FY2013 activities or services. Examples include deferred subscription revenue for publications on be issued in FY2013. Deferred Revenue requests must be submitted with documentation by May 10, 2012 to Claudia Lazo, Senior Staff Accountant
Review open PO list to verify goods are on order Notify Purchasing for those PO’s waiting invoices All purchase orders are closed end of day May 10 All Blanket Orders are closed end of day May 10
Last Day to Charge on your P-Card is April 13, 2012 After that date – cannot guarantee the charge will be on FY 2012 Ledgers End of Billing Date – April 22 nd All charges must be posted by that date P-Card Travel Card WB Mason Travel Agents
All requisitions for goods and services for delivery by April 30, 2012 must be entered into Datatel by April 13, 2012 NOTE - If item requested WILL NOT ARRIVE by April 30, 2012, Purchasing WILL NOT PROCESS a purchase order from the requisition. Please plan accordingly FY 2013 Requisitions can be entered in Datatel on May 1,2012 All requisition entered into Datatel after April 13, 2012 for this fiscal year (FY12) will be canceled All requisitions entered into Datatel before May 1, 2012 for purchase orders for FY 13 will be canceled
Received but not invoiced Send for PO accruals on operating accounts to Cheryl Chappin ( ) by April 30, 2012 and cc: Michael Harris Hallie Porter If no is received – charges will be posted on the FY2013 ledgers when invoices are presented for Send for PO accruals for Federal Funds and Capital Equipment to: Federal Funds- Jesus Adame CIP Accounts – Shannon Floyd