COSMOS use at the Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory 3 rd Annual COSMOS Workshop Matthew Meadows Sierra Nevada Research Institute University of California Merced
Critical Zone Observatories
CZO Common Infrastructure With the goal to: resolve the evolution and formation of the CZ and its attributes measure the properties and structure of the present-day CZ construct carbon, mass and energy balances (event- to long-time scales)Energy
Southern Sierra CZO
Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory (CZO) soil moisture measurements: cosmic-ray time domain reflectometry (TDR) dielectric neutron probe physical sampling techniques.
Installation and Survey
Hiking the COSMOS sensor into P301.
Volumetric Water Content
Effective soil depth
Snow depth
Snow depth variability
Dealing with snow
Soil water estimates, 0-30 cm
Correlation of COSMOS VWC with distributed sensor network during no-snow conditions
The Future Easy to deploy – Elevations, aspects, sets of sensors Soil moisture and vegetation – Timing of moisture stress – Evapotranspiration Snow and/or snow+soil storage
Common CZO Infrastructure Fluxes within and across the critical zone boundaries – vegetation-atmospheric – terrestrial-aquatic – soil-atmospheric – soil-plant – bedrock-soil