Global Cultures
Culture The way of life of a group of people who share similar beliefs and customs What languages people speak, what religions they follow, etc. The history people have shared, art forms they created, how they govern their society
1) Language how people communicate, and pass on values & traditions is one of the strongest unifying forces for a culture language families - groups of languages with similar roots
1) Language There may be different dialects within the main language. –(dialects - the form of a language spoken by people in a particular region or group. Pronunciation, vocabulary, and sentence structure are affected by dialect)
2) Religion provides a sense of identity influences daily life - morals, values, holidays, festivals shapes cultural expressions such as painting, sculpture, architecture, music and dance can be a source of conflict 5 Major World Religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism
3) Social Groups
Family Structures - In all cultures, the family is the most important group
3) Social Groups Social Classes - wealth, education, etc. Most cultures also group social classes - groups of people ranked according to ancestry, wealth, education, or other criteria
3) Social Groups Ethnic Groups - a human population that shares a common culture or ancestry - made up of people who share a common language, history, place of origin, or a combination of these elements
4) Government is organized according to levels of power a type of authority maintains the order within the country provides protection from outside dangers supplies other services to its people
Culture Regions an area in which people have many shared culture traits. –Example: groups of countries with similar characteristics - Mexico, Central & South America may include economic systems, type of government, social groups could also include religion, history, food, clothing, etc.
Cultural Change No culture remains the same over time new ideas and inventions create change (ex. clothing styles). History can expose culture groups to new ways of life – including new languages, resources, and technologies.
New culture traits are added as older ones fade away. Acculturation - when an individual or group adopts some of the traits of another culture. Assimilation - when immigrant groups adopt all of the features of the main culture. Cultural Change
Change occurs through outside and inside influences such as: 1. trade 2. war 3. movement of people 4. inventions 5. new ideas 6. lifestyles Cultural Change
Cultural Diffusion when an idea or innovation (knowledge, skills, etc.) that spreads from one person or group and is adopted by another person or group
Partition to separate the Single Men side from the Family Side
Agricultural Revolution -the shift from gathering food (nomadic herding) to producing food About 10,000 yrs ago, people were nomads who moved from place to place in search for food and grazing land Eventually the earth’s climate warmed and they settled in river valleys (permanent villages) and began farming
Agricultural Revolution this shift from wondering to farming causes people to settle down in permanent homes/villages this evolved into early civilizations (civilizations lead to Culture Hearths)
Culture Hearths
Early centers of civilization whose ideas and practices spread to surrounding areas - all located in mild climates, with fertile land near a water source for irrigation Middle America Mesopotamia – modern Iraq and Syria Nile Valley - Egypt Indus Valley – Pakistan, most of Afghanistan, SE Iran, NW India Yellow River Valley – N. China along the Yellow River
5) Economics use of natural resources to meet human needs how to produce, obtain, use, and sell goods & services Because the Agricultural Revolution created a surplus of food, people were forced to change what they did for a living –new technology & economic activities (metalworking, shipbuilding, etc.) led to trade –increased wealth led to rise of cities leads to migration urbanization
Migration The movement of people from place to place 1. Push-pull factors –Push Factors - cause people to leave a location (Centrifugal) –Pull Factors - attract people to a new location (Centripetal) –Most migrate for economic reasons: no job = push higher pay = pull
2. political - escaping a Communist country 3. social - education, family in another country 4. economical - better jobs, better life 5. environmental/physical geography - climate, environmental hazards Migration
6. refugees - people who are forced to leave their country because of war, – food shortages, or other problems (ex. Darfur) 7. forced migration – ex. African slave trade Migration
8.Urbanization - growth of city populations brought about by migration and the changes that come with the increase in population. - leaving the farm for better life or job in a city - ½ of the world’s people live in cities Migration
Industrial Revolution 1700s & 1800s: new production methods change the way goods can be produced changes a country’s economy leads to social change
Industrial Revolution People left farms to work in the cities in factories Cities grew larger urbanization
Information Revolution End of 1900s: computers make it possible to store information and send it all over the world in an instant The Information Revolution - links (connects) the cultures of the world more closely than ever before. Leads to Social Change