Radio Play-Adolf Hitler History Name: Lam Wai King(9) Li Yue Pei(19) Tang Wai Man(28) Wong Kit Man(31) Wu Wai Lan(34) Wu Yong You(36)
Time Line Born in Austria Being bully Want to be a strongest people 1914 Join military service for Germany 1919 Have a mission to investigate German Worker’s Party
1924 Sent to prison for a failed coup d'etat, writes Mein Kampf 1929 Meets his lifelong mistress Eva Braun 1932 Granted German Citizenship 1933 Becomes Chancellor of the Nazi Party Violates the Treaty of Versailles by building a massive military force 1935 Time Line
Orders the invasion of Poland, Britain and France declare war on Germany and the Nazi Party to begin carrying out the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question" or The Holocaust Breaks the non-aggression pact with Stalin and invades the Soviet Union and Declares war against the United States Time Line
Becomes increasingly erratic after being defeated at the Battle of Stalingrad Celebrates his 56th birthday in a bunker below the Reich Chancellery Commits suicide by shooting himself and biting into a cyanide capsule Time Line
Photos Adolf Hitler giving the Nazi salute during a rally in Jan. 30, 1933 – Hitler Appointed Chancellor
Photos Germany's Invasion on Poland. Aug 31, 1939 The death of Hitler
Photos Adolf Hitler was born in the Austrian Hitler as a boy
Videos Hitler :The Rise of Evil : w/2PkwqPWirG8/ w/2PkwqPWirG8/ Triumph Of The Will: BfYncHshJchttp:// BfYncHshJc The Hitler Gang(1944): rxUeKJhawkhttp:// rxUeKJhawk