Apathy’s second cousin…. Appeasement
I. Nazis begin to stockpile Military conscription introduced (against Versailles Treaty) Spanish Civil War breaks out Send aid to Spain inform of Luftwaffe 2. Italy also sends military aid
II. Britain + France + Apathy + Depression = Appeasement A. Preserve international and social order (Pacifism) B. Germany creates an army/ Britain naval agreement C. Germans take Rhineland back -gain back some national pride D. Help in the Spanish Civil War (Francisco Franco)
Continued II. E. Italy in Ethiopia and Germany in Austria F. Munich Conference 1. Czechoslovakia (Sudetenland) 2. Soviet Union 3. Hitler’s terms accepted 4. Europe heading to war
Continued II. G. Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact 1. agreed to not attack each other 2. divided up Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and RomaniaFinland EstoniaLatvia LithuaniaPoland Romania
III. Stance of United States A. Neutrality Act of 1935 (Spanish Civil War) 1. Act made it illegal for Americans to sell arms to country at war B. Isolationism 1. U.S. sets restrictions on refugees 2. “Open Door” policies shut in East (Japan) 3. FDR allows “emergency visas” (Einstein)
Continued III. C. Cash and Carry Policy 1. Passed after invasion of Poland 2. Carry supplies on countries’ own ships 3. Benefit allies D. Lend-Lease Act 1. Lend-lease arms to countries “vital to the defense of the U.S.” 2. U.S. contributed $50 million in weapons, vehicles and other supplies 3. Later extended to Russia