Kissinger 16 Essential Question: What peace terms ware agreed to during the war?
Churchill Reestablish traditional balance of power Counterbalance USSR Stalin Capitalize on territory gained during war Buffer zone between USSR and Germany Roosevelt Four Policemen American withdraw from Europe End to Colonial Empires
Roosevelt’s “Four Policemen” vs. Holy Alliance Difference in ideology Roosevelt refused to negotiate post war peace until war was over Total defeat Colonialism Roosevelt’s Ideas Great Britain’s view Politics behind a second front Great Britain USSR
Early 1941Stalin attempts to negotiate with Great Britain. Boarders of 1941 Problems Spring 1924 Stalin tires again May 1942 Molotov visits London Boarders of 1941 Protectorate of Finland and Romania May 1942 Molotov to Washington Roosevelt offers collective security instead of spheres of influence Trusteeship Council Molotov again demands 1941 boarders as well as influence in Bulgaria, Romania, and Finland with special rights in the straits Stalin understands that the longer he waits the better position he will have.
Teheran Nov. 28, Dec. 1, 1943 Second Front in France Demilitarization of Germany and occupation zones Poland Boarders Yalta Feb Accept 1941 boarders Lublin Government USSR rights in Manchuria
Stalin breaks Yalta agreements Poland’s Government Territorial grab China is too weak to be a policeman Could China intervene in Europe?