1 Introduction & Overview Presented By Itumeleng Masege
2 Introduction & Overview Introduction Aims and objectives Outcome
3 Overview ITAC’s Mandate Policy environment SACU
4 ITAC Structure Core Business Trade Remedies I & II Tariff Investigations I&II Import & Export Control Policy & Research Legal, Secretariat Corporate Services (Finance,Communications, HR, IT)
5 ITAC Strategic Objectives ITAC strategic objective: establish a platform that optimally contributes to sustainable growth, employment and equity reduce production costs promote downstream value addition ITAC Strategic Objectives
6 encourage specialisation and rationalisation enhance international competitiveness export orientation support sustainable industrialisation Equitable opportunity for SMME, BEE and WEE
7 Trade Remedies Presented by Carina Grove
8 Anti-dumping Countervailing Safeguards The Function of Trade Remedies
9 Competitiveness Unfair trade Purpose of Trade Remedies
10 Not uncommon Not prohibited Injurious dumping Level playing field Not on request Purpose of Trade Remedies
11 Public hearings Public interest Purpose of Trade Remedies
12 What is dumping? ITA Act WTO Agreements Regulations Legislative framework
13 What is dumping? Dumping occurs when a product is exported to another country, at a price which is lower than the price at which the same product is sold in the country of origin. What is Dumping?
14 What is dumping? Countervailing is action against imported products which are subsidised by a foreign government which causes injury to the SACU industry What is Countervailing?
15 What Is Dumping? Safeguard action is taken to protect the SACU industry against a surge of imports which causes serious injury What is Safeguards?
16 Allegation of Dumping or Subsidisation: What to Prove Dumping/Subsidy Material injury/threat Causality
17 Safeguard Action : What to prove Surge of imports Serious injury/threat Causality
18 Material/Serious injury 14 various economic factors Not all positive
19 Process and Time Frames For Imposition Complaint, Merit assessment, Prelim determination, Final determination and recommendation AD & CDV – 12 to 18 months for final measures Provisional measures within 6 months of initiation
20 Statistics on cases Initiated13134 Prelim 5117 Final Duties imposed936
21 Industries involved Steel Glass Paper Textiles Chemicals & plastics
22 Import & Export Presented by PHILIP SNYMAN
23 Import and Export Control Function Purpose Legal framework Policy Distinction between New Goods, Used or Second Hand Goods and Waste and Scrap
24 Purpose For Control: New Goods Health and Environment International Agreements Strategic Reasons
25 Quality and Safety Reasons Safety and Security Social Reasons and Quality Purpose for Control: New Goods
26 Purpose For Control: Used or Second Hand Goods The General Rule Specifically Defined Circumstances Raw material for manufacturing
27 Import and Export: Waste and Scrap Purpose for control Basel Convention
28 Import And Export Export Control Purpose of control Beneficiation International Agreements Raw Materials for Manufacturing
29 Import And Export Assist Strategies of Crime Prevention Strategic Reasons
30 Import And Export Enforcement of the Act Inspections Investigations Seizure of Goods
31 Import and Export General Systems Information and Application Forms Import And Export
32 Import and Export STATISTICS 2005/2006 FINANCIAL YEAR Permit applications adjudicated Import Permits Issued Export Permits Issued 3 985
33 MoU with PRC Regulations Import And Export
34 Tariff Investigation Presented by Brenda Mabaso
35 Function Conduct customs tariff investigations on behalf of the Commission Responsible for : 1. Customs Tariff Amendments Investigations 2. Administration of customs rebates
36 Tariff Amendments What is a tariff amendment? –Amendment of customs duty applicable to imported product –Types of amendments: Increase in customs duties Reduction in customs duties Creation of industrial rebates
37 Rebates and Drawbacks What are they? A waiver provided for the domestic industries not to pay customs duties Allows sourcing of inputs at competitive prices Promotes exports
38 Whether the product or a substitute is manufactured in the SACU? The competitiveness position of the product concerned The effective rate of protection Calculation of the % of the duty rate in relation to the factory selling price of the product Production and market factors Tariff simplification Investment and employment Assessment Criteria
39 Facilitate normal trade Trade liberalisation Compliance to Trade Agreement obligations Encourage tariff reduction as opposed to rebate creation Role of the Instruments
40 ITA Act Customs and Excise Act, 1964 Customs Tariff Policy Legal Framework
41 Structure of the Unit Tariff 1 Chemicals Textiles Agro Processing Duty Credit Certificate (DCCS/TCIDP) Tariff 2 Metals Machinery Motor Industry Development Programme (MIDP)
42 Applications Process Receive Assessments Preliminary Investigation Table findings of prelim before adjudicating body –Commission Publish for further investigation
43 Applications Process Table for final determination Recommendation to Minister of Trade and Industry Trade and Industry Minister to Finance Minister for implementation Gazette TIME FRAME OVERALL
44 Statistics
45 Statistics
46 How To Apply Information is available on ITAC’s website- Come for consultation – ITAC offices Post
47 Southern African Customs Union (SACU) BRENDA MABASO
48 Operationalisation of SACU Institutions Article 7 of the SACU Agreement, states the democratisation of SACU through the establishment of institutions
49 Organogram
50 The SACU Process SACU Secretariat (administrative support) National Institutions Council of Ministers SACU Tariff Board Commission of Senior Officials Tribunal recommendations deadlocks advice
51 SACU Roadmap Establishment of NB Operation of NBs Sept 2007 Jan 2008 Nomination of Experts to serve on TB Commencement of Training of TB Members Feb 2007 Establishment of TB Operation of TB Sept 2007 Jan 2008
52 Challenges Capacity of Member States Development of Common Policies
53 Thank You Please Visit Our Website