1 Peter 2: 9-10 "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of God who called you out of darkness into God's wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy." ” Mennonite Church Canada Assembly, Edmonton 2006
Faith and Life Committee We believe that the fundamental biblical theological issue has to do with the unity of Christians in the body of Christ. Related to this is the tension that exists between two polarities: Holiness and Hospitality
1. What binds us together? According to the apostle Paul, unity is not our doing. We are bound together by something bigger than our own efforts and immeasurably greater than our failures. Unity in Christ is not something we choose to create; rather, it is the blessing of Christ’s death on the cross that is granted to us. “The unity we experience in our diversity is not a consequence of our adaptability, our tolerance, our magnanimity, our inclusiveness. It is a miracle of grace.”
2. Are organizational unity and unity in Christ synonymous? Organizational unity and unity in Christ are not the same. Organizational unity is our choice, while unity in Christ is God’s doing. We recognize that our unity in Christ must work itself out in different organizational structures. Even so, when we choose not to maintain organizational unity, we need to think carefully about how we continue to nurture what God has established through the death of Christ on the cross.
3. When does diversity destroy the unity of Christ? Both holiness and hospitality can become a problem if we pay attention to one at the exclusion of the other. We have not known how to hold these two values together very well. We have not seen that holiness and unity are as necessary to one another as exhaling and inhaling are.
4. How are we mutually accountable in the body of Christ? Paul’s use of the metaphor of the body for the Church encourages an appreciation of diverse gifts, but also speaks to the matter of mutual accountability. Our conference organizations should be seen as forums for congregations to be accountable to each other. Given the importance of the biblical admonition on mutual accountability, we must open ourselves to be accountable also to those with whom we do not covenant in formal membership, and perhaps even disagree with in profound ways.