1 Quality of Life Project by Robert Schalock, PhD Self-Advocate Presentation May 2010
2 What is Quality of Life? Quality of Life is about how people feel about their lives.
3 Looking at Quality of Life Quality of Life can be looked at by asking people to describe their own lives. Sometimes another person is asked to describe your life.
4 A Model for Quality of Life 1.Personal Development 2.Self Determination 3.Interpersonal Relationships 4.Social Inclusion 5. Rights 6. Emotional Well- Being 7. Physical Well- being 8. Material Well- being
5 Personal Development Personal Development is about learning and doing different and new things. For example: learning new skills doing things that are important to you
6 Self-determination Self-determination is about goals, decisions and choices. For example: making your own choices doing things you have dreamed about
7 Interpersonal Relationships Interpersonal Relationships is about the relationships you have with other people and the time you spend with family and friends. For example: the things you do with friends and family help and support you get from others
8 Social Inclusion Social Inclusion is about the kinds of things you do in your community and who you do them with. For example: activities and fun things you do places that you go
9 Rights Rights is about how other people respect you and your right to do the same things as all adults. For example: your right to privacy how much you can say what you think and be listened to
10 Emotional Well-Being Emotional Well-being is about how you feel about things in your life. For example: your happiness and safety how the people around you make you feel
11 Physical Well-being Physical Well-being is about your overall health and your lifestyle. For example: your activity level how you are able to eat healthy food your ability to get medical help if you need it
12 Material Well-Being Material Well-Being is about things related to money and things you own that are important to you. For example: how much money you have to spend each month how much you can use money for the things you like to do
13 Measuring Quality of Life is important because people need… 1.To hear directly from adults with developmental disabilities on how they feel about their life 2.To learn what supports and services make a difference to a person and their life 3.To learn where service providers and CLBC can do a better job in supporting people
14 CLBC’s Project Work with 7 service providers in the Fraser Region Project manager, Susan Powell, will hire self-advocates Self-advocates will be trained to do Quality of Life interviews
15 Service Providers 1.Burnaby Association for Community Inclusion 2.Community Living Society 3.Langley Association for Community Living 4. Semiahmoo House Society 5. Milieu 6. HOMES 7. Community Integration Services Society
16 Quality of Life Interviews Done by teams of interviewers Private Voluntary Take about an hour Interviews will begin in the Fall All answers put in a written report
17 Sample Interview Questions 1.Do you feel safe in your neighborhood? (Domain: emotional well-being) 2. Can you make your own choices? (Domain: rights) 3. Can you do the things you really want to do? (Domain: self-determination) (from PDD Edmonton My Life: Personal Outcomes Index)
18 Ways to Answer 123 Most of the time SometimesRarely or never YesSomewhatNo Lots of choice Some choiceLittle or not choice
19 Quality of Life Project Contact Susan Powell at: Or Talk with people at the service providers who are the partners in the project