ASAS KEUSAHAWANAN MGM3180 Dr Mass Hareeza Ali Department of Marketing & Management Faculty of Economics & Management Universiti Putra Malaysia
Evaluation Assignment – 80% Final Exam – 20%
Assignment-80% Entrepreneur’s Profile – 20% Internship – attached to one particular small/medium organization (4 weeks) *Written activities (report) as entrepreneur (base on internship) – 30% Business proposal – 30%
Profile Someone (of course entrepreneur) admire most by you in terms of his/her skill as entrepreneur!-please NO MORE… VERY FAMOUS PEOPLE where all info you get from internet. As simple as someone around you who really ‘entrepreneurs’ Write about his/her profile. interview to get info-experience, capital, how start up the business etc… Please use sub-heading Use your creativity to complete this -support with photo, maps, charts etc.
Internship Search and attached yourself to one particular small/medium size organization Most important things – their willingness to participate and cooperate with you in completing the four weeks REMEMBER: I DON’T MEAN YOU HAVE TO WORK THERE IN THE COMPANY: ENOUGH BY HAVING FEW VISITS IN ORDER TO GET INFO AND VIEW OF HOW SHE/HE ‘RUNNING’ THE BUSINESS Come out report (on location, marketing-promotion, price, competitors- may be bit on financial issue etc.)on the activities and at the end with some suggestion for improvements Use your creativities – photo, map, questionnaire design, etc
Business Proposal Think about any kind of business you wish to develop if its happened you will become entrepreneur one day Prepare the business proposa l
Business Proposal Preliminary part -title page -half title page -letter of transmittal -letter of authorization -table of content -list of figures -executive summary -Appendix
Con’t Body of Content Introduction – comp. background, vision & mission Organizational support Who’s who? Strategy 4 p’s Financial plan Gantt chart Limitation
Text –Buss. Proposal Introduction Marketing Marketing analysis Promotion Price Location Financial Gantt Chart
Mid term Exam NO MID TERM FOR THIS SUBJECT. Proposal will be emphasised in second face to face
Final Exam 20% (Schaper’s, 2004) Covered chapter 3,5 and 6 only Also related issues in entrepreneurs Chapt 3: Creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship Chapt 5: Options for going into business All 5 long questions Chapt 6:
Important Dateline for submission for assignment Exam Kelas maya No plagiarism Good Luck!!!