Daoism and Buddhism in China Section 11-3
Standards H-SS Know about the life of Confucius and the fundamental teachings of Confucianism and Daoism. H-SS Describe the diffusion of Buddhism northward to China during the Han Dynasty. E-LA Reading Analyze text that uses the compare-and-contrast organizational pattern.
Language of the Discipline Philosophy- set of beliefs about how to live. Daoism- an ancient Chinese philosophy that emphasizes a simple and natural life. Laozi- scholar who founded Daoism. Yin and yang- two great forces that are at work in the universe. Dao- “a way,” “a road,” “the way of nature.” Amitabha- the sect was based on worship of this bodhisattva.
Buddhism Spreads to China (Input) Missionaries from India brought Buddhism to China in the first century of A.D. They were followers of the Mahayana school of Buddhism. They believed ordinary people could get out of the cycle of rebirth and enter nirvana. They believed in the earthly saint bodhisattvas. These people obtained enlightenment. After death they chose to stay on Earth and help others obtain nirvana.
Pure Land Buddhism (Input) Missionaries introduced reincarnation, karma, enlightenment, and salvation to people in China. These ideas appeal to the Chinese and gave them hope that they too might escape the suffering of this world. Chinese thinkers shaped this into their own Buddhism sects. The most popular was known as Pure Land Buddhism.
Continued… (Input) The sect was based on worship of a bodhisattva named Amitabha. Amitabha promised to save people from reincarnation by granting them rebirth in his own pure land known as the Western Paradise. From there people could find nirvana. Pure Land Buddhists believed that uttering his name (Amitabha) throughout the day-or even thinking his name at the moment of death- was enough to bring about their rebirth in his pure land.
Checking for Understanding (Review) “The Four Passing Sights” taught Buddha A. that he was destined to become a king B. what happens to people after they die C. what life was like outside of the palace D. the rules for living a good and moral life Answer: C.
Checking for Understanding (Review) According to legend, a fortuneteller told the Buddha’s father that his son would become either a religious leader or which of the following? A. king B. guru C. monk D. ascetic Answer: A
Checking for Understanding (Review) The first group that Buddha studied with in order to learn the truth about life was which of the following? A. ascetics B. monks C. gurus D. kings Answer: C.
Checking for Understanding (Review) Which of the following did Buddha move away from? A. Eightfold Path B. Four Noble Truths C. Middle Way D. caste system Answer: D.
Checking for Understanding (Review) What is a state of blissful peace without desire or suffering called? A. nirvana B. dharma C. meditation D. salvation Answer: A.
Guided Practice and Independent Practice Students will work on the Reading Comprehension side of the 8-1 worksheet. Guided Practice: #1, 2 and 3 Independent Practice: #4 and 5.