African Union/Brazil/UNIDO Bio-Fuels Seminar in Africa 30th July – 1st August 2007 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Action Plan for Biofuels Development in Africa Draft
Bio-fuels in Africa Draft Action Plan 10 year (short & medium/long- term) Priority options Main programmes Key actors and roles Platform for implementation – Regional Biofuels Network
Bio-fuels in Africa Action Plan 10year action plan –Short/Near Term programme (4 years) –Medium to Long Term programme (next 5-10 years)
Priority Options Focus on –Bio-ethanol –Biomass cogeneration –Biogas –Bio-diesel –Biomass Gasification
Priority Options Will Vary According to Country’s Specific Characteristics Ecological Regions –Drylands (Arid and Semi Arid areas) –Wetlands (Moist and rainland areas) Different biofuel feedstock best adapted to different ecological regions e.g. biodiesel in drylands and bioethanol in wetlands
Priority Options Will Vary According to Country’s Specific Characteristics Drylands (Arid and Semi Arid areas) –Short Term Options Biodiesel Bioethanol Cogeneration –Medium to Long Term options Biogas Biomass Gasification
Priority Options Will Vary According to Country’s Specific Characteristics Wetlands (Moist and rainland areas) –Short Term Options Bioethanol Cogeneration Biogas –Medium to Long Term options Biodiesel Biomass Gasification
Key Programmes Will Vary According to Country’s Specific Characteristics Enabling policy and institutional framework Financing mechanisms Resource assessment - feedstock availability and sustainability Strengthening technical expertise
DRY LANDS/ WETLANDS PROGRAMMES KEY ACTORS AND ROLES African Governments (Technocrats and Policy Makers) – Ministries in charge of Agriculture, Energy, Industry, Finance; Environment; Agro-industries (Private and Public Sector); Research institutions, Regional Bodies (AU, UNIDO, UNDP, UNEP, ECA); International Organizations (World Bank and EU) Financial Institutions such as African Development Bank (AfDB); Other Stakeholders (Refineries and Fuel Distributors, Farmers Associations, Automobile Industry, Quality Standards Boards, Private Entrepreneurs and Banks, Media PLATFORM FOR IMPLEMENTATION - REGIONAL BIOFUELS NETWORK Enabling Policy and Institutional Framework Financing Mechanisms Resource Assessment – Feedstock Availability and Sustainability Strengthening Technical Expertise Bio dieselBio ethanolBiomass Cogeneration BiogasBiomass Gasification
Enabling policy and institutional framework Outputs and Indicators: –Technical studies on policies, institutional structures and associated trade issues –Policy events to debate policy options and review policy documents –Training workshops –Study tours Key indicators of progress and success: –Number of countries that establish supportive policy measures such as pre-defined prices/tariffs ($/litre and/or $/kWh) and national targets for biofuels (millions of litres and/or MW installed capacity).
Financing mechanisms Outputs and Indicators: –Technical studies on pricing and incentives for biofuels; –Pre-feasibility and Feasibility assessments on viability of bio-fuels projects –Training workshops and study tours on financial assessments and pricing may be organized based on the requirements of specific countries Key indicators of progress and success: –Additional investment funds successfully mobilized for biofuel investments –Number and capacity of Greenfield biofuel investments (joint venture or other packages) that are successfully initiated
Resource Assessment & Sustainability Indicators Outputs and Indicators: –Reports, studies and assessments on biofuel resource assessment and sustainability indicators/standards Key indicators of progress and success: –Widely available, regularly updated and verified resource assessment database and development of widely accepted, flexible, adaptable and cost-effective sustainability indicators/standards
Capacity Building & Strengthening Technical Expertise Outputs and Indicators: –Biofuels pilot and demonstration projects –Training workshops and study tours on biofuels technologies organized based on the requirements of specific countries Key indicators of progress and success: –Number of pilot and demonstration projects –Number of African biofuel specialists that are trained and the level of technological development. –Proportion of equipment used in biofuel investments that is locally designed, assembled and/or manufactured.
Key Actors and Roles African Governments (Technocrats and Policy Makers) - Ministries in-charge of Agriculture, Energy, Industry, Finance, Environment; –Policy formulation and enactment of legislation –Establishing incentives for biofuels Agro-industries (Private and Public Sector) –Project development – Greenfield investments –Supply of biofuel feedstocks
Key Actors and Roles Regional & Sub-Regional Bodies (AU, UNIDO, AFREC, ECA, Sub- regional agencies) –Coordination of institutions/stakeholders –Lobbying commercial and marketing bodies to expand local markets for biofuels –Mobilizing financing –Promoting investment and joint ventures –Coordinate exchange of skills and know- how
Key Actors and Roles Financial institutions such as the African Development Bank (AfDB) –Guidance on investment strategy for biofuels –Assist with assessment and prioritization of biofuels investment opportunities –Mobilizing of co-finance Other stakeholders (Refineries and fuel distributors; Farmers associations; Automobile industry; Quality and Standards Boards; Research Institutions; Private entrepreneurs and banks) –Actively engaged in development process and should provide inputs
National Level Suggested Way Forward to be Adapted to Country’s Priorities and Specific Charateristics Short Term –Focus on proven options that build on existing agro-industries that use available agro-wastes (such as bioethanol in existing sugar industries) to minimize start-up costs and reduce risk –Undertake regularly updated detailed resource assessments, stocktaking on existing bio-energy investments, initiatives and planned expansions
Short Term –Set pre-determined prices for bioenergy options –Establish supportive regulatory and policy measures such as standard PPAs and blending requirements –Concentrate on investment analysis and preparation of “bankable” investment proposals –Encourage national, regional and international exchange of experience, skills and technologies (regional bioenergy network) National Level Suggested Way Forward to be Adapted to Country’s Priorities and Specific Charateristics
Medium to Long Term –Continue to regularly update detailed resource assessments, stocktaking on existing bio-energy investments, initiatives and planned expansions –Support R&D and local adaptation –Initiate pilot and demonstration investments –Strengthen national, regional and global technical exchange of skills, experience and information National Level Suggested Way Forward to be Adapted to Country’s Priorities and Specific Characteristics
Platform for Implementation Regional Biofuels Network Assist in coordinate and supporting implementation of action plan which African Governments are expected to lead Subject to support from African Governments, the Network could possibly be part of International Biofuels Network initiative UNIDO in collaboration with AU, AFREC, ECA and subregional institutions Core membership from African countries and institutions Participation of global biofuel leaders such as Brazil Expected to establish Centers of excellence for each biofuel option and/or agro-ecological region Centres of excellence to spearhead development of option in the region – nodal points for action and follow-up Centres of excellence could be jointly hosted or jointly managed by sub-regional agencies and leading research institutions/independent research centres/NGOs within a continental umbrella of African Governments, AU, AFREC and ECA