2 2 Outlines 1.Objectives of the research 2.Target countries and rationale for choosing the countries 3.Main contents of the study and methodology 4.Timeline
3 Official Development Assistance (ODA) is to promote development. In the development process, the private sector is playing an important role. Africa is often cited as a major beneficiary of ODA. Out of a 148 countries that received ODA for the period , 50 were African. Such aid flows are justified on the basis that most African countries are classified as least developed and thus requiring aid. However, even in instances where more aid was received, the impact on poverty alleviation has not been great. Social and economic conditions of populations in most of African countries have worsened.
4 The overall objective of the study is to assess the current situation regarding Official Development Assistance and its use in public-partnerships through a comparative analysis of 3 Sub- Saharan African countries including Malawi, Senegal, and Zambia. The study shall also identify lessons learned, opportunities and challenges in relation to the use of ODA in private sector-led development initiatives.
5 The research is expected to focus on a particular development project in each of the above-mentioned countries and demonstrate how official development assistance to the private sector has contributed to the following: Creation of employment and type of employment; Respect for international Labour Standards; Respect for labour rights; The overall development results and impact on communities and country.
6 The study will be carried out in 3 Sub-Saharan African countries including Malawi, Senegal, and Zambia. According to information from our affiliates, these 3 countries have institutions set up to deal with PPPs and also have engaged processes in this regard.
7 Both the quantitative and qualitative methods shall be used in this study as far as they are useful in reaching the objectives. The following options shall explore and combine as possible in the country case studies: A content analysis of the existing and proposed legislative, policy, administrative and institutional frameworks for promoting and conducting Public-Private Partnership initiatives and projects ; Through secondary and primary evidence, analyse the extent to which freedom of associations, trade union rights, International and national labour standards are upheld in such projects;
8 Collect and analyse information on the organizational, financial and human capacities of trade unions to keep governments accountable in spending public /donor money on private sector investments; Conduct individual interviews with key persons representing employers and trade union organisations, companies and experts in social-labour relations to garner their views and proposals with regard to public money investments in private business projects;
9 September to December 2015 After the discussion with researchers in July 2015 at Accra, the study will be conducted according to the following timeline from September to December 2015: ActivityTime period Overall Literature Review (desktop review)September/October Conduct country desk researchOctober Collect primary dataOctober Compiling country case study draft reportsEarly November Submission of draft reportsEnd November Draft report discussion workshop: peer reviewNovember in Dakar Integration of comments and finalization of report December Submission of final reportDecember Content & language editingDecember Findings and policy recommendations workshop and development of dissemination plan January 2016 during the NYS